Chapter 4-Let the games begin

Start from the beginning

He winked at you, which made you gag in disgust and shake his arm away from you. Akira, on the other hand was holding your hand tightly, sending death glares to him. He looked down at Akira and laughed. "What? Who's this brat? I bet he's gonna die in the first minute, haha!" He cackled maniacally. 

From the sides, Chishiya was silently watching all the commotion occurring, making sure to remain under the radar and not become a part of the small bickering the three of you were having. A skinny male wearing a dark blue cap and a light blue shirt was looking at you with worry in his eyes. He seemed to be with the lustful man as they got out of the same car and had the same bracelets?

Just then, your phones lit up. A white screen showed and a robotic female voice announced,"Registration closed. 

Game: Capture the Flag. 

Difficulty: 8 of clubs (if this game is already shown in the manga or anime inform me please! Also, you might be wondering why this isn't a spades game. Clubs games are said to be a teamwork game, a game that has aspects of all the other three suits or both!)

Game rules: As the name suggests, this game will require you to work in teams to steal other people's flags whilst protecting your own. You are allowed to move your flags around the area, but if you own two or more flags, they will have to be at the same location. (Basically if you own the red and yellow flag for example, they cannot be at separate locations.)

Clear condition: capture all 5 flags or have the most amount of flags by the end of the game. Once this condition is fulfilled, the game is cleared.

Team selection: You will now be given 10 minutes to form 5 groups of 5. shake hands with another player to join their team."

Instantaneously, you shook hands with Akira and walked towards Chishiya, holding your hand out. "Why so hesitant? It's quite obvious that I'm the best choice for a team mate here. Any normal person looking at someone experienced and heavily armed like me would happily shake their hands with me the moment they see me approach them." He chuckled, before shaking your hand. "I mean, you are correct. But appearances aren't all that there is to it. Akira is clearly the weakest here, and yet you willingly shook his hand. You may have killed more than me, but I'm smarter than you." 

The man who looked like a gangster earlier grabbed your hand, attempting to shake it and forcefully make you his team mate, but you were quick to shake it off. "Come on. You know that I'm better than all these wimps that're going to die soon." You nodded your head, although you really wanted to take out your scythe and slice his head off its body it was attached to. You reluctantly shook his hand, averting your gaze from him. He grazed your knuckles before lifting it to his mouth and kissing it. Akira had the urgent need to take out his knife and skin him alive.

The big screen displayed: Team 1: player 00690 (you), player 00689(Akira), player 00520, player 00420, team 2 and so on. "AHAHA! You're player 690 and I'm player 420! It's as if fate brought us together!" You saw his name: Niragi Suguru.

"Why aren't you teaming up with your other group members?" You asked.

"Look at them, they already make up five people. Besides, I don't want to team up with them. They'll only be a burden!" He explained. Finally he was using his brain. If you were being honest, you had to admit that he was quite the intelligent and cunning human, pretty similar in terms of thinking methods to Chishiya, besides the fact that he was extroverted and that Chishiya was an extreme antisocial person.

All you needed left was one team mate. The same guy who looked concerned for you while Niraigi was hitting on you slowly walked towards you. "U-Uh m-miss, m-may i join your team? M-my friends abandoned me for another guy. I-I promise I won't be a burden to the team..." he stuttered in front of four intimidating people who seemed, no, were, way out of his league, possibly the most dangerous people in the borderlands.

You looked around. About everybody had formed groups except for an elderly couple who were frantically asking other teams to accept them only to be rejected and a young high school girl who was still in her uniform, looking extremely confused about the concept of these life-and-death games. It seemed that they had no information about the games. Out of the four of them, the man seemed to have the most potential. You shook his extended arm with a gentle smile on his face.

"I-I'm Tatta Kodai! Thanks for accepting me into your team!" He seemed delightful. As he should be, considering he's in a team filled with intelligent people as well as physically-fit people who were armed. Among every team, your team obviously had the highest chance of winning. Still, there were people who had experience with each other and clearly could cooperate with each other better than the five of you. 

All the teams who were now formed were discussing their strategies. Apparently, every team seemed to want to avoid your team as much as possible in order not to let you steal their flag. Not surprising. Within seconds, you had a well thought-out plan.

"I have a strategy," you told the group. "Since we're able to move the flag around, I suggest that my little brother carries the flag since he's not armed and needs the most protection so he won't die. As for the group positioning, I suggest that Niraigi and I are in front of the group to fight off other teams that come our way. Chishiya-kun , I recommend that you stay behind to protect Akira and look out for incoming enemies. Akira, you will carry the flag and position yourself in the centre of our triangle formation. Tatta-san, you can position at the back with Chishiya and make sure to watch out for any kind of ambush."

"A well-thought out plan indeed, Kayami." Chishiya complimented. The other three nodded in approval. Tatta gave you a warm smile, happy that you were kind-hearted despite your scary looks and was looking out for him. Niraigi seemed particularly jovial about the positioning. "Fighting alongside you? Anytime baby!" You rolled your eyes at his statement.

(Hello everyone! I feel like i would like Niraigi a lot more if he wasn't a rapist but i have to include this strong maniac somewhere in the story and he was perfect for this game and for future meet ups with him at the beach! Kim signing out! Like i said, leave your comments on the content and suggestions in the comment section below! I love y'all so much!)

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