Forseti: Seven people.

Hermod: Eight and nine kung kasama tayo. Do you have a different plan in mind?

Forseti: (nods)

Hermod: Oh. What is it?

Forseti: Spend Christmas at my father's house.

Hermod: Balder's house, huh...

Forseti: It's my tradition.

Hermod: I just thought this time would be different because, well, you have us now.

Forseti: I have all of you all year round. Today is the only time of the year I'm free to have a quiet evening at my father's house and have tea with him.

Hermod: Oh.

Hermod: Then I'd go with you.

[Team Father and Son in 372A High Street:]

Lance: We're here. Help me bring those bags inside.

Joyeuse: (rolls his eyes but helps Lance carry bags anyway)

Lance: (opens door, expecting Coronado Chronicles to greet him with chaos)

They find the entire house empty.

Lance: Huh, no one's here.

Joyeuse: You sound disappointed.

Lance: I'm not disappointed, I was just expecting them to be running around, you know, being annoying kids having fun.

Joyeuse: You weren't expecting them, you actually wanted them to be here because you're sad that you're turning 40 in a few years and you still don't have children.

Lance: Are you high on coffee grounds again?

Joyeuse: Shh, Lance, I'm here, I'm the only child you need.

Lance: (puts groceries above the kitchen island) Not today, you're not.

Joyeuse: (follows Lance) It's Christmas, Christmas is for children. Are you really disowning me today?

Lance: Jule you're no longer even a minor.

Joyeuse: So you'll allow me to drive your car?

Lance: Never in your wildest dreams. (arranges the milk cartons inside the fridge to make room for new groceries)

Joyeuse: (helps Lance arrange the fridge) C'mon, I'm the closest to a son you'll ever have.

Lance: Yes, I love you like my real son.

Lance: My feelings for that car are much, much greater.

Joyeuse: What about Arthur?

Lance: Arthur owns my heart. It won't even be a competition.

Joyeuse: Yuck.

Lance: When you grow up and learn what love is, you'll understand.

Joyeuse: Yuck.

Lance: (closes fridge and looks for the meat Futhark prepared)

Joyeuse: How old were you when you knew you wanted to live with Arthur forever?

Lance: (takes out pasta noodles from the cupboard) Hmm, I don't know, I just got used to him being by my side that I didn't really imagine my later years without him.

Lance: Do you imagine yourself being with Futhark when you grow up?

Joyeuse: Hmm. I imagine myself living with Edward Dace and running our own detective agency.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineWhere stories live. Discover now