Michael says"I'm lost without her...without Haley.

Haley says"Michael.

I turn and see Haley.

Michale says"oh my god, Haley.

I start crying.

Haley wipes my tears.

Haley says"I love you Michael you need to follow his path and don't get lost.

Michael says"but I'm lost without you.

Haley says"I know but just know avenging me is not you being lost it's you fulfilling part of your purpose. I love you.

Haley disappears and I scream and start crying again.

A few minutes later I pull myself together and leave the woods and keep walking and find my way to an alley and I see a door and there's an upside down cross and I open it and go inside and it's a church for my father and I sit down and start crying.

Women says"excuse me.

I wipe my tears and look up and see a women.

Women says"are you ok?

Michael says"no.

Women says"when was the last time you ate?

Michael says"4 days.

Women says"after the service I can take you to my house fix you up something.

Michael says"that actually sounds really nice.

After the service and we go to her house and she makes me something to eat.

Women says"I've seen kids like you that haven't eaten in days and questioning what the hell this all means? So, what's your story? How did you end up all alone and at our beloved satan doorstep?

Michael says"my father abandoned me and my mother tried to kill me.

Women says"humanity...is shit. This world is a twisted black hole of sin and chaos and that's why satanism is the way of the future. We are the fastest growing religion in the world, so we need people like you-bright, eager, the next generation-to help spread the word of lucifer. Cause here's the beautiful secret babe. Pence you embrace that we are degenerate rotten beings-every last one of us-you'll be free. Satanism...is about giving into your urges. Embracing sin, your true nature. I sold my soul to the devil and he gave me everything I ever wanted.

Michael says"you sold your soul? Did you sign a contract in blood?

Women says"I made a deal in a black mass, as one does. through prayer. And by prayer-I mean...killing people-it works. You're standing in the proof. I offered up my soul and...he gave me all of this. Riches beyond compare. I've got a...a la-z-boy. A-a cable package with all the premium channels. I shot up heroin...

I stand up and follow her.

Women says"as much as I want and I never get the sweats and every Wednesday night brad Pitt comes over and fucks me till the sun comes up. On Friday nights I get Ryan Reynolds's.

She walks back over to the table.

Michael says"so that's all it is, then.

I walk back over to the table.

Michael says"Satan is Carnal pleasure.

She laughs and I sit down.

Women says"hell no. We've got a greater purpose. We are moving towards the beginning of the end. Our savior is coming. The spawn of Satan will...lead us off the cliff and into the end-times. We just have to make things terrible enough for him to rise. We are fetid, rancid, contaminated soil, from which he will bloom and then plunge us in eternal darkness. so that we can walk with Satan in eternal hellfire.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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