A story about the past

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is with that guy?! As soon as I moved, his head snapped towards us!" Another man said.

"He shouldn't be threat." A third guy said confidently. "Just focus on the task."

They all nodded. "We'll get to her as soon as she's alone."


Y/n pov:

A chill ran down my back as I suddenly felt unsafe. I looked around, but didn't see anything suspicious in the crowd.

"Look around too much and your head will fall off." I heard Kunikuzushi say beside me. I chuckled. I'm just paranoid...

Kuni took his hand in mine so we wouldn't get separated in the crowd. A small blush probably showed on my face as I felt his warm hand was so big compared to my own. His fingers had a firm and gentle grip around my hand, causing me to blush more.

I quickly focused on my breathing to stop blushing in a public area.

While walking, the sound of footsteps running towards me quickly appeared.
I looked around to avoid being trampled over by whoever was running. But then behind me, a man hit my shoulder while he ran past. He hit me hard enough to make me stumble forward, and the man himself fell to the ground.

Kuni looked at the man in annoyance and slightly threatening.

I let go of Kuni's hand and offered my hand to the man on the ground. "Here, let me help you-"
However before the man could take my hand, Kuni gripped my wrist tightly and tugged my hand away.

"Watch where you're running dipshit." Kuni snarled and glared at the man.
Kuni what the fuck are you doing?!

His arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer and further away from the man. His hand was firmly on my shoulder, making sure I could not move away from him.

I looked at him in confusion.
Then, the man stood up on his own.
"I'm so sorry miss!" The man apologized. "I lost my brothers in the crowd and ended up alone, I've never been here before and-" the man apologized and blabbered.
But as he rose his eyes and laid them upon me, he quickly his his face behind his hat. He cleared his throat.

The man confused me and he was strange. In an uncomfortable way.

Suddenly I didn't find Kuni's tough grip around me strange. He must have found this guy weird from the moment he ran into me.

"I'll be taking my leave." He left.

As he had left, I stood there with a weird feeling. As if I had seen him before. And I had definitively heard that voice before.
A small pit in my stomach grew bigger by the second.

It couldn't be...


3rd pov:

"I don't think she recognized me, thank god." The man spoke to the two others.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! We don't know this place, you need to snap out of your state!" The second one spoke.

The third one just watched the two others as they argued as usual.


Y/n pov:

Back home, I finally decided to try sleeping again.
I hadn't slept in many days, I was tired and fell asleep almost immediately.

As I felt myself waking up in the dream world I couldn't help but think.

What dream would I have now?
Would I be bullied by the three sons of a bitch?
Running from my father?
Dying on the road?

I opened my eyes and looked around.
It reminded me of when I spoke to her. The same place. The surroundings being nothing but white. And the single bench in the middle of the place.

I didn't hesitate and sat down. Will I meet her again?

But as soon as I sat down... I felt my body going limp and I fell down, laying the rest of my body on the bench.

"Once upon a time..."
A loud voice echoed in my head.


"The goddess of reincarnation raised her sword against monsters, fighting battles alongside the other gods."

The archon war perhaps?
What the hell is going on...

"The goddess was loyal to her friends, and unfortunately she was killed in the archon war."

The goddess of reincarnation? She must have reincarnated again then. She couldn't die forever.

"As the goddess woke up, she was in a strange world. She lived the life as a normal mortal through out 24 different lives."

She must have gotten tired by that...

"In her 24th life, she unexpectedly fell in love. She stayed with the man whom she loved, they got married and eventually started their own family."


"The goddess had three sons. Due to giving birth, the goddess's powers disappeared, and she no longer had the power to reincarnate. Then, the fourth child came along, a daughter. Unfortunately the goddess died of blood loss in the hospital."

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now