The Prospector's Spirit | By: Quinton Z. Nicklas

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The gold prospector braves the icy cold,

Trudging through the snow, young and old.

He leaves his home with a heart full of hope,

Dreaming of the treasure he will find and cope.

He journeys to the Klondike far and wide,

Hoping to strike it rich, his fortune to bide.

He works his claim with a pick and a pan,

Searching for the precious gold, a true prospector's plan.

Days turn to weeks, and weeks turn to months,

But the prospector never once succumbs.

He toils and he sweats, through rain and through sleet,

Determined to find the gold, a reward so sweet.

And finally, one day, his hard work pays off,

As he uncovers a vein of gold, a treasure so loft.

He cheers with glee and dances with joy,

For he has struck it rich, a prospector's employ.

So here's to the gold prospector, brave and true,

Searching for treasure in the Klondike anew.

May his dreams come true and his fortune be grand,

For the gold prospector's spirit will always stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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