1} Chapter

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Year Two Post Apocalypse

The storm.

Aisha Pov

Tears streamed down my face. I had lost my home again. I wiped at the blood under my eye where I had been nicked by a sharp nail of a crazed woman. Ambushed in the night by brainless bastards. My fingers gripped harder on the steering wheel as I drove down the road to a destination I didn't know.

I had to leave everything behind. Pictures from my past, food, water, clothes, and basic survival tools. How stupid I had been to leave my hunting knife behind, now I would have to risk my life to enter another abandoned building to find what I needed.

I grit my teeth just as a thunderbolt shot across the sky. It rained poetically. My tears and the rain had no difference, they both kept falling but did little to wash away my fears and sense of doom.

Running a finger through my hair and checking my face in the mirror, I hadn't noticed the sudden walker stumble on the road until it was too late. I slammed my foot on the brakes quickly but not quickly enough.

"SHIT MC FUCK- BITCH ASS-" the walker slammed against the hood of my car and tumbled over the top of the windshield effectively breaking it and causing the glass to shatter right onto my exposed legs and arms.

Grabbing the door handle I yanked it open and tumbled out of the car and onto the street looking at the blood that coated the entire front of the car. The infected remained still on the hood of the little Toyota, his mangled body spread like butter over the windscreen.

I wince feeling the glass that sank into my skin. I'd have to pull all of the shards out as soon as I was in the safe zone. The storm above me didn't let up and continued to blast the elements against me.

I shielded my face looking to see if the storm would let up anytime soon but the entire sky was grey. Great.

Looking left and right the abandoned houses, cars, and streets all looked the same. I couldn't make out any infected but that didn't mean there was none there at all, holding my arms to my chest I started forwards. I might as well start to scout out the area to find someplace to stay. Or maybe even an abandoned car.

I continued to look for shelter, feeling my T-shirt and my pants soak through completely. How I wished I was back in my little abandoned house, down in the basement filled with pillows, food, and my belongings.

Maybe I could go back- I disregarded the thought quickly. It was completely overrun, and the local shop had been all but scraped out. I would have had to move out eventually once my food had run out.

A sudden flash of light at the corner of my eye, followed by a thunderous boom flung me to the side. A scolding pain shot up my side where I stood closest to the lightning. My clothes had been seared off and burnt skin flooded my sense of smell. I flinch away from the heat still simmering from where I had nearly been struck by lightning.

A sudden rolling and rumbling of clouds above had me tilting my head up in fear. How stupid had I been for not taking shelter in such horrible weather! My boots thump against the pavement, my desperation to find shelter increasing with every step.

I spot a house with its doors wide open and I gasp in relief, but just before I could turn to run in the direction of my refuge, electric pulses flare through my body.

With panic I looked up at the sky only to see a sudden white light flash directly at me then everything burned all at once. The sound reverberated everywhere, rattling my bones and sparking every inch of muscle inside me.

My screams sounded like thunder in my ears, and the bolt of light remained, pelting at my scorched skin. My eyes burned, my veins pulsed with electricity and my vision saw white for a few seconds.

It was as if I was being pelted with bolts of lightning. It continued on for far too long. This was it. This was the end. Horror filled my body, and the heat exploding from my skin convinced me that this was the end.

The pain. It was unimaginable. My screams turned to sobs of agony but my muscles did not listen to me. They refused to let me fall to the ground and suffer in peace, no they kept me planted upright as I received the horrible torment of the storm.

The intense pain that felt like millions of little needles pinning into my body suddenly vanished and I was left with little ripples of warmth running up and down my arms.

When the light disappeared and all my senses returned to me, I fell to my knees crumpling to the ground that I noticed was completely scorched. Even my clothes had turned to ash. My fingers spread in the pavement that was once here now rendered to sand, what just happened?

My tears flowed. Remembering the horrible pain again and again. Not trusting the warmth and comfort that was now enveloping me as I didn't just die.

I looked up at the storm and my heart contracted painfully. I had done something- something happened to me- I was-

I stood up reaching for the storm with open hands. With a single command, with a single thought, I demanded the light. In an instant, electricity zapped across the sky and met my fingertips with a warm buzz.

My heartbeat picked up. My brain spun. My mind shut down.

And then all was dark.


Storm manipulation!

Welcome to the first chapter, let me know what you think! I'll be adding some extra information at the end if it needs it. I can't wait until you guys meet the next character!

I hope you stay and read my book, I've always wanted to be a writer. Thank you!

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