"Off you go." Wednesday hummed walking away from the blonde, Enid slowly nodded and walked away her head down low as she closed the door behind her, slightly whimpering, this pain was killing her. Little did she know, it was also affecting Wednesday...

Nonetheless Enid put on a fake smiled and rushed her way downstairs, "I wonder what Yoko is up to." She'd ask herself, as the werewolf ran around, she'd run into Principal Ovid. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." Enid immediately apologized, the young adult chuckled, "no worries Enid, just be more aware next time." "I will Mrs. Ovid..." Enid awkwardly chuckled as she passed by her, the principal looked back and smiled at Enid, "what a kind girl." She'd hum as she continued to patrol the halls.

"Hey Yoko, sorry I'm later, r-ran into Principal Ovid." Enid huffed running out of breath, Yoko laughed, "no worries, now come on we need to get you ready!" Yoko snickered, Enid's eyes widened. "Ready, for wha-" before she could finish Yoko was dragging her back to her dorm, Enid screamed as her feet barely kept up.

"Alright!" Yoko sat Enid down on her bed and immediately got out her makeup, Enid flinched at the sight of all these appliances. "Yoko, now will you tell me what we are doing." Enid begged, Yoko laughed as she did her mascara. "Of course, of course. We, are going out, Bianca is throwing an epic party behind the school." "What-where?" Enid asked, "Xavier's shed, or is art studio, or whatever you want to call it." Yoko scoffed, shrugging as she did Enid's brows.

"Do, I have to go..." Enid whispered, Yoko took off her sunglasses and looked at her, "if you want to leave anytime, just tell me and we will, but I just want you to forget about wedn- Ajax, he's been leaving a mess everywhere for you to clean up, I mean seriously why are you even with him?" Yoko asked as they moved behind End and sat down, brushing her hair gently.

Enid sighed, to be honest she couldn't answer that question herself... "you don't need to answer, I'm just curious." Yoko hummed softly, Enid smiled and thanked Yoko, the vampire nodded as she continued to do her hair.

"Are we almost done?" Divina asked, walking out of the dorms bathroom wearing Yoko's robe, the vampire blushed but coughed and quickly answer the siren's question. "Yup, just need to finish her hair, and lipstick." Yoko hummed smiling at Divina, the brunette smirked and shook her head walking back inside the bathroom to get dress.

"Did, she take a shower, here, in your dorm?" Enid asked, her voice suspicious, Yoko froze and chuckled, "her dorm's all the way in the other side, this was the easiest for her." Yoko answered, Enid hummed and slightly smirked to herself. "I can feel your smirk, stop it." They'd hiss, Enid laughed at Yoko, the vampire shook her head and got up, grabbing the lipstick off of the side table and standing in front of Enid, "you are going to drop bodies tonight." Yoko smirked, Enid blushed embarrassed, "thanks Yoko." She'd chuckle, Yoko bite her lip and laughed, Enid tried her best not to smile as they were applying the lipstick. "Stay still." Yoko chuckled, Enid snorted a bit and stayed still until Yoko finished.

"Alright, party time!" Yoko cheered grabbing onto both Divina and Enid, they girl laughed at Yoko's excitement and both walked with her.

As the group inched closer and closer to the loud music Enid's stomach starting to feel off... it was very unpleasant, Yoko immediately noticed her changed in mood, so she whispered to Divina to go on, the siren nodded and left the two alone as she ran into the massive group of people up ahead.

"Hey, like I said, anytime, anytime you want to leave, we will. I promise." Yoko smiled at Enid, the blonde nodded and followed Yoko into the shed, doors wide open, Enid awed, she was impressed the place was so clean.

"Welcome." Xavier gestured, arms out wide, Enid chuckled and greeted Xavier. "Oh hey Enid, didn't expect you to make it, but I'm glad you're here, are you here with Wednesday?" He asked glancing around, Enid immediately switched expressions, "of course he was asking for her..." Enid mentally growled. "Oh, you know her, she doesn't like social event." Enid awkwardly laughed, Xavier chuckled, "sounds like her." Enid nodded in agreement. "Well, enjoy the party." Xavier waved her goodbye as he exited the shed.

Enid sighed and put on a fake smile, she'd go around the set up tables and grabbed herself some fruit on a stick, at least that's what looked edible to Enid, a lot of it were some questionable brownies...

"Oh hi Yoko." The werewolf ran into them, Yoko already looked frazzled, what happened in the span of ten minutes. "Hi." She'd laugh, Enid rolled her eyes, "Yoko I think your missing someone." Enid winked, Yoko stood up and glanced around the room, their eyes landing on Divina, Yoko chuckled evilly. "Come here mommy." Yoko tan after her, screams were heard off in the distance, Enid chuckled trying to loosen up, "so much for support, eh it's okay, I'll walk back myself." Enid slightly laughed as she slowly turned away from the pair, as she walked away greeting everybody she bumped into Ajax... "oh no."

Tw: panic attack ahead :TW

"Enid, hi, oh my god, I didn't expect you'd come." He'd wrap his arms around his "girlfriend" Enid cringed slightly, "hi." She'd awkwardly chuckle, "you seem nervous, is everything okay?" Ajax asked, Enid smiled and nodded, "just wandering around, I didn't really want to come but, Yoko invited me so I couldn't say no." She paused as she looked up at Ajax, "I didn't know you were into parties..." Enid asked, quietly, Ajax turned to her and titled his head. "Oh, I'm not but Bianca invited me, and Xavier was gonna be here, so I might as well hang out with my bro." He'd laugh, Enid chuckled in a fake way and nodded in "agreement" as the two looked at each other and did more small talk Enid's heart was beating out of her chest, something was wrong...

"Enid, you okay, you look like you're about to faint, do you need water, hang on I'll go get you some." Ajax placed his drink down and immediately left the werewolf alone in the crowd of people, Enid looked around feeling small, she'd start to breath hard, her head was also starting to spin, she's blink and excited the she'd, not even waiting for Ajax to arrive.

"Yoko, Yoko." Enid called out for her friend, no where in sight. "Oh no..." Enid was starting to panic, the sweat on her forehead worsened, her whole world was spinning as she slowly backed away, nearly falling backwards, she'd yelp and turned around, now facing the trees. Enid held her arms and was about to break into tears, this night was going horribly.

"W-what's happening to me..." she'd cry out, and she slowly started to see Ajax's cap, she ran away, tears falling from her face, the gravel hissing under her feet, confusing her even more, once she got a good distance, and no longer heard the loud music, but her heart was still pounding, Enid felt like she was being stabbed, she'd whimper but continued to walk.

Every single sound made Enid jump, worsening her heart ache, the tears never stopped, and her body temperature was dropping and she started to trembled, her hands shaking against her arms, but she bit her tongue and pressed forward.

"F-finally." The blonde barely spoke as she saw the school doors, she immediately ran in the halls and avoided all the footsteps, she just rushed upstairs... to her dorm.

The swiftness of how fast she was moving up the stairs made her headache hurt more, the light tickling turned into pounding... making her heart beat. Once seeing the door she immediately opened it, not carding if Wednesday was home.

The werewolf sniffed and whipped away the tears before running into her closet and sitting against the wall, crunching her knees against her face, sobbing, and yelling in pain, letting her emotions out...

While crying Enid couldn't help but hear the footsteps of heavy boots, she knew who it was...

"Enid." Wednesday carefully crept into the blondes closet, slowly turning to the ground, to see her crying on the floor. "Go-go away." Enid yelled, her voice shaken up. Wednesday's brows saddened but the rest of her face stayed neutral, she'd carefully step in and sat on the floor with Enid, just calmly starting at the blonde.

Enid lifted her head up and tried to look angry but all that showed was sadness, Wednesday really wanted to help... but she didn't know how, so she thought. What would Enid do?

Suddenly the blonde was wrapped around the arms of Wednesday Addams, Enid immediately just stopped, she'd let her body go limb in Wednesday's arms, but still feeling her anxiety she still continued to cry, Wednesday just tightened her grip, making Enid feel... safe.

To be continued

Definitely has mistakes and I will edit it tomorrow 🫡

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