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"Lizzie you're going to make us late!"

The little girl huffed in a breath, heaving her cart forward as she tried to keep up with her less than pleasant twin brother. "Slow down! I-I..." she paused, her motions slowing to a halt. Her frizzy curls fell around her face, her cheeks red from exhaustion.

She looked back up, Draco nowhere in sight. "Ray?" she sighed, leaning over her cart once more. Elizabeth tried to keep herself from getting worked up but she couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.

Not only had her mother and father left her to go to school alone, now so had Draco. She was stranded in the middle of a train station by herself with no idea where to go. How was one to get to platform nine and three quarters anyway.

It was just too much for an eleven year old to bare.

"Are you alright dear?" At the sound of a voice she looked up, a kind looking woman with red hair coming into view. "What's wrong sweetie?" she questioned, "are you lost?" Elizabeth wiped the tears from her eyes, smiling slightly.

She looked over the woman's shoulder, finding four boys and one little girl with the exact same identical red hair. The one who looked her age caught her eye, the boy waving. Elizabeth turned her attention back to the woman.

"My name's Elizabeth Malfoy," she took a deep breath, "and I'm looking f-for platform nine and three quarters." A platform name that didn't exist sounded rather ridiculous and she prayed that these nice people weren't muggles so they could help. However she had properly introduced herself like Draco taught her, making the girl smile a bit.

The woman's face fell slightly at the mention of the girl's last name, though she quickly replaced it with her warming smile. "I'm Molly Weasley. My batch is headed that way as well." She stepped back, setting a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Follow us!"

The group began to walk, Elizabeth falling into step with the boy she had made eye contact with earlier. "Hello," she mumbled, the red headed boy smiling brightly. "I'm Ronald Weasley, nice to meetcha."

The blonde smiled, "Hello Ronald."

* * *

Harry rushed through the station, pushing his heavy cart as fast as he could. It was his first time going to Hogwarts and he really didn't want to miss his train. He had already asked three people where the platform was and had no luck.

"It's the same thing every year! Packed with muggles of course!"

He turned, finding a pack of redheads along with a blonde marching on their way. "Muggles..." He began to chase after them, watching as the oldest boy ran through a wall. Next the twin boys went, the last two stepping forward.

"Excuse me!"

Elizabeth turned at the sound of the voice, a boy with brown hair approaching. "C-Could you help me..." Molly nodded, "get onto the platform? Of course! It's Ron and Elizabeth's first time as well!"

The girl smiled, Ron nodding beside her. Molly began explaining, the boy nodding once she was done. "Good luck." Ginny nodded as he took his stance. After taking a breath he took off, running through the wall like the others.

Elizabeth grinned in amazement. She could already tell she was going to love Hogwarts. "Off you two go!" Molly motioned for her to go first, the blonde following in the other's footsteps and breaking into a run.

After a moment Ron joined her, both having their luggage whisked away by the train staff. "Sorry to leave you but I'm afraid I have to go find my brother," she frowned, Ronald nodding. "Maybe we'll get placed into the same house," he suggested hopefully. As of right now Elizabeth was his only semi-friend at Hogwarts beside his brothers.

"Yes, maybe," she waved, stepping onto the train to search for Draco.

*  *  *

The train sped to a stop, Draco nudging his sister awake. They hurried off the train, finding a group of first years gathering at the foot of what seemed to be a giant man. She spotted Ron in the front, waving to him. The redhead waved back, signaling for her to join him and the boy from the station earlier.

She glanced up to Draco who was too busy conversing with Crabbe and Goyle to even notice her. However before she could slip away The group began to move, other first years blocking her vision of Ron.

She followed the group until they reached boats, everyone boarding them in a haste. It wasn't long before they were approaching Hogwarts, the castle towering over them. Once they reached the inside they were stopped at the steps, an older woman staring down at them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she announced.

Elizabeth couldn't help but grin, tightening her hold on Draco's hand. "Now in a few moments you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses."

Draco straightened a bit at this, as if he already knew what house he would be placed in. "They are Griffyndor, Huffleppuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-"


A boy suddenly burst forward, scooping up a frog that appeared to be his. Seeing the woman's glare he quickly backed away, "sorry." She ignored this, continuing. "The sorting ceremony will begin shortly." As she walked away, Draco stepped forward, releasing his sister's hand.

"It's true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Kids began to whisper, Draco making his way over as Elizabeth slowly followed behind. "This is Crabbe and Goyle. And this is Elizabeth, I'm Malfoy."

Ron and Elizabeth made eye contact, both turning to watch Draco with wide eyes. "Draco Malfoy," the blonde finished his monologue, Ron snickering slightly. Draco turned to him quickly. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask your's, red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley."

Elizabeth grabbed her brother's arm in an effort to stop him but the boy quickly shook her off as he turned back to Harry, the same boy she had met at the platform. "You'll soon find that certain wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to make friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He held out his hand, smirking.

Harry's eyes flickered to Elizabeth before going back up to her brother. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." The woman from earlier suddenly appeared, tapping Draco on the shoulder. "We're ready for you now."

Just like that the tension was dispersed and they set off to follow her into the dining hall. Several other students were seated inside, anxiously waiting for the ceremony to start so they could welcome the new first years to their houses. Dumbledore began to speak, Elizabeth zoning him out as she tried to calm her drumming heart.

Who knew the Weasleys and her family had so much drama. She thought back to the frown Molly had given her at the mention of her last name. "Hermione Granger!" At the sound of the name she looked up, a girl with puffy curls making her way to the seat.

"Hmm..." the hat spoke, "Gryffindor!"

The table erupted in cheers and she smiled, making her way over to them. "Draco Malfoy!" Draco smiled, going to the seat. The hat was barely on his head before it spat, "Slytherin!" Elizabeth sighed, she was up next.

"Elizabeth Malfoy!"

Slowly she made her way to the front, taking a seat. The hat was placed on her head, mumbling quietly to itself. It went on for what seemed like ages, the blonde holding her breath. "I see...Gryffindor!"

Everyone froze.

The entire Malfoy family was known for their Slytherin status, this was unheard of. Elizabeth slowly stood, making eye contact with Draco as she made her way to the Gryfinndor table, everyone just staring at her.

She slid into a seat next to Ron, looking down at her lap. The redhead nudged her with his elbow, "what'd I tell you? Same house."

Elizabeth looked up slightly with a smile, "yeah."

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