It's not the question he really wants to ask...but it's important nonetheless.

"As long as you need me." It is another promise.

Wei Ying laughs quietly, and the sound is wet with unshed tears.

"Then prepare to stay forever...because...because I don't want to let you go." He admits. These words are coming from his heart, and Wei Ying is powerless to stop them. "I don't know what it is about you...maybe it's me...but I feel like you're my person. I've never felt this way about anyone ever. It's a new experience...but I want you to stay. For as long as you want to...that is."

Uncertainty clouds those bright crystal eyes.

Lan Zhan makes a decision then.

"I want to stay." He lifts up Wei Ying’s face with his hand, noting how easily it fits. His hand is open, a caress that holds the face of this person whom he has come to care for deeply.

If that isn't love...then Lan Zhan doesn't know what is.

But it is too soon to say the words.

He doesn't want to frighten away this perfect man, this beautiful soul.

He wants to keep Wei Ying safe forever.

So he keeps this kiss brief, because it's necessary. It is the seal that should end every promise between them.

It feels right.

"Alright...Good..." Wei Ying laughs as soon as his lips are free. "I feel like a weight has lifted from me. I'm glad we sorted something out. It's progress."

Lan Zhan nods, studying him.

At least the panic has gone, even if the fear lurks behind a cheerful demeanour.

But Wei Ying should know what he's dealing with.

"I am proof that vampires exist. It's not a joke anymore."

Wei Ying nods back.

This is new territory for them both.

"Whoever it is was careless." Lan Zhan adds, the anger rising to the surface of his mind once more. "And I'm going to catch him." This sounds like a promise.

Wei Ying holds himself tightly, not giving in to the trembles that are hidden under his skin.

He is scared, but more for Lan Zhan than himself now.

They're hands are still joined, and Wei Ying uses this connection to squeeze his. He wants to help, he realises.

"Let's do it together." He says, feeling much braver.

Lan Zhan is already shaking his head.

"I do not want to put you at risk. You're more important to me." As if his arms are thirsty to hold Wei Ying again, he pulls him into a close embrace.

"But...Lan Zhan...I'm saying you don't have to do it alone. I'm here...and I'll support you. In whatever capacity. I might not know about relationships but I would imagine that it's a partnership, right? So I want to help. We can be a crime fighting duo. The next Batman and Robin."

Lan Zhan laughs.

It is unexpected, pulled out of him unawares.

"What? I'm serious." Wei Ying pouts.

Lan Zhan has found his own weakness.

"Alright. But I'm Batman." He says, drily. He's still smiling.

"We can both be Batman." Wei Ying compromises, grinning.

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