I'm Over Him

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"Hey" Simon said as he shimmied around his sister Sara.
"Hey" she responded.
"What's up with you?" She asked after picking up on her brothers excitement.
He pulled the chair out and sat down, giving her a smirk as a sign of acknowledgement of her question. Pulling out a paper from his bag, Simon wore a grin as he shoved the paper in her face.
"I got an A!" Sara's face lit up as she looked around to see if she was grabbing too much of the attention in the room.

They both giggled as they shared in the joy of Simon's success but through the corner of his eye Simon saw a boy walk through the door.
He wore his hair longer before the summer, but that had changed now. He looked more mature, more presentable, less himself and more staged.
He avoided making eye contact as the weight of the awkwardness would most likely swallow him whole, so he looked down and away any chance he got.

"Have you guys had a chance to talk?" Sara asked gently as she knew this topic was very sensitive for her brother.
"Marcus would kill me" he responded, pointing to his boyfriend who now sat in the back of the classroom with his new found friends.
Simon liked Marcus, he took care of him, made his feel safe and gave his as many cuddles as he asked for, but something was missing. It wasn't something Simon could put into words.

Could it have been the thrill or the secrecy of a forbidden romance? Or was it just as simple as the chemistry he craved so much. The chemistry through which passion, joy and butterflies found their birth?
"Anyway, I'm over him. He can fuck off for all I care" Sara faked a smile in support of her brother, but deep down she knew the complexities of a heart entangled in the desire for someone who had once know it so well, and broken it.

This feeling was all too familiar for her too, but she chose to make it about Simon.
As Mr. Englund walked into the classroom, Simon's thoughts became small, he found peace in the distraction that education offered. As the class got to sitting down, Henry put his hand up.
"Yes Henry" Mr. Englund said.
"We have a new student in class, at the back." He pointed to Marcus.
Marcus got the opportunity to attend Hillerska because his dad worked at the shooting range and he would most likely find better tertiary educational opportunities with a high school diploma from there. So he agreed to repeat a year and found himself in the senior year with not only his boyfriend, but the Prince of Sweden, Wilhelm.

"Welcome Marcus..." Mr Englund said as he walked towards his desk to give him a handshake.
"Thank you Sir" he smiled proudly as he said this.
Simon looked in his direction and caused Marcus's face to light up. He blew him a kiss.
Will saw this, but more importantly he saw that Sara saw him see this. Even more importantly, he heartbreakingly witnessed the joy on Simon's face when he recieved the kiss.

"Are they dating?" He mouthed to Sara.
She turned away in an attempt to not answer the question, but it was enough of an answer for him.
Simon turned in Wilhelm's direction, comforted by the belief that maybe he had not seen what happened due to the fact that his head was down.

Little did he know that along with his heart, Wilhelm's head sunk in defeat.

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