everyone but Aaron z: good morning

they eat breakfast Aaron z was looking at his phone to check if his bf have sent him any message he frowns

tae: what's wrong

Aaron z: nothing much

Jesse: stop lying to us you were crying last night and now while we're eating you were looking at something on your phone and you frown so are you going to tell us or not 

Aaron z: hahaha (laugh nervously) I have no idea what you're talking about

robaire: don't act stupid 

Aaron t: yeah we all saw you were crying last 

Jesse: stop lying to us please just tell us what's wrong

Aaron z: ( sighs) ok but not everything 

tae: fine with us

Aaron z: ok so someone very important to me got in a fight  with me that's why you heard screaming and i-i c-couldn't um, do anything to  help and they got really upset and rejected.... um... and then hung up before i could explain and I was really sad about it and them to I was just checking my phone to see if they texted me ok

tae: ok anyways were having a concert at ************ ok

Aaron z I couldn't hide how happy I was I could finally see him I was smiling and jumping up and down out of joy YES I was so happy I forgot the team was here

Aaron z: um.. haha

tae: what are you so happy about

they all looked at him

Aaron z: it just so happened me and that very important person was fighting with me about not seeing them and proving something to them... and it just so happen that where they live so I can visit and maybe if they want I can tell you what they are to me and meet them maybe

they looked at each other 

Aaron T: do they mean that much to you to make you cry and happy like this 

Aaron z: of course, they mean that much to mean they mean the world to me without them I wouldn't still be here 

Jesse: oh wow man that deep

Aaron z: i know anyways I'm off to call them bye 

he left them talking and wondering who that person is to him and now they really want to meet that person that so important to him

Incall between z'bear and ty

Aaron z: babe I'm coming to have a concert at *********** and that means after the  concert I'm staying a while so I can visit you and maybe you can meet my team/group

Tyler: I'm still mad at you but thank you babe can't wait to meet your team when are you living

Aaron z: I don't know let me ask

Tyler: of course, you don't know 


robaire: AT 4:00 

Aaron z: BUT IT ALREADY 3:30


Tyler: babe go get ready talk later

Aaron z: yeah talk to you later bye 

( hangs up)

Jesse: AHH where late hurry up 

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