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Clara Potter isn't the famous child. Everything was Harry, Harry, Harry while Clara was just left in the shadows.

The first day they arrived they were sorted into their house... gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin.

Her and her brother were both sorted into gryffindor, but one boy caught her eye. A small blond boy with grayish blue eyes, that were quite mesmerizing.

He was sorted into slytherin. He was laughing with a group of friends and pointing at Harry. He noticed clara had been looking at him and he raised his eyebrows quickly with a smirk. Her face turned red as she looked away.

Once it was announced time to find your way to your room she immediately got up with her lightly tinted pink cheeks.

"What's your name?" A boy behind her asked. She turned around to see it was the blond boy. Her face heated up.

"Uh-h Clara." She said avoiding eye contact. "Clara Potter." She said hesitantly.

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He said cockily. "But you're a Potter? Yuck." He said rudely.

"You thing I like being a Potter?" She asked as they walked alongside.

Harry rushed next to her and grabbed her arm. "You shouldn't be walking with him, he's no good, he's a slytherin." He said pulling her away as he rolled his eyes. Draco went back with his friends.

Clara pulled out of his grip. "I can be my own person." She said annoyed.

She looked back to see the boy walking with a crowd laughing. She wanted to know what they were talking about, but Harry would try to get in the way.

"You know you're not supposed to be friends with slytherins, they are no good." Harry interrupted the silence.

"I can make my own choices."

"I'm just looking out for you." He said patting her on the back.

"Well I don't need you to, I'm fine." She said annoyed and pushing herself away from him.

Harry immediately had fit in, he was the chosen one some said. Clara wandered around and was stuck being 'Harry's sister'. She wasn't apart of the golden trio with Harry, Hermione and Ron. She wasn't really apart of anything.

She wasn't the typical gryffindor either, she wasn't all perfect like they were seen as. She was only a gryffindor because she's a Potter.

Her light hair began to grow darker as the first year went by, she embraced her curls and she quickly matured unlike some boys, especially Draco. After their quick introduction he began to pick on her.

Whenever she would walk by he always had something to say. "Oh look it's a Potter, how's your parents? Oh wait." He would laugh.

She would just continue walking and ignore them.

Once that year was over it was summer break. She decided to go with Luna over the summer while she was given a makeover.

Once she returned it was like she was unrecognizable. Everyone was too stunned to speak, boys jaws were dropped and she was no longer Harry's sister, she was Clara Potter.

She had beautiful curls and brown hair, with hazel eyes and plump lips. Puberty struck her hard if you would say, but Draco still didn't seem to like her.

She joined the quidditch team and became easily one of the bests. She would lead her team to victory which you could tell pissed Draco off.

After the game against slytherin she was on her way back before she was interrupted by a trio of boys and leading them was Malfoy.

"Were your parents at that game?" He asked as him and the two boys chuckled.

"Real funny, how's carrying that big head during games." She said shoving by them.

He looked angrily at her and rolled his eyes as he elbowed back the boys behind him laughing.

You would think all Draco had said to her she would hate him but she couldn't seem to. She hated to admit it but she had a huge crush on him, ever since she first laid eyes on him.

But it's her brothers enemy.

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