Chapter 1

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It was a hot summer day when Tommy stepped outside, after Dream, his mentor told him his friends were here and waiting for him in the forest.

"Bye Dream!"

"Bye Tommy, be careful!"

Tommy waved and then closed the door behind him and walked into the forest to find his friends.
"Hey Toms!" Wilbur spoke as his cape flowed in the wind, Tommy hugged him.

"Missed us?"

"Well I no one else to talk to minus Tubbo and Ranboo but they are busy with their family lately." Tommy complained and Wilbur chuckled.

"Phil and Techno are waiting, for us." Tommy pulled back, following Wilbur deeper into the forest.

Tommy moved Techno's hair as he put a flower crown on him, mixing with Purple, Yellow, and Pink. He had yet to braid it, which he should.

"Its getting late Tommy, shouldn't you be going home?" Phil asked, as he swooped down from the tree branch he was sitting on.

Tommy moved a parted section of Technos hair, braiding it. "Nah, I'll be fine. Dream trusts me."

It was getting dark the time Tommy was drifting off to sleep. The temperature also dropped a little.

"Tired Toms?" Wilbur questioned as he scooted closer to Tommy.

"Mhm.." Tommy snuggled closer to Wilbur, fuck him, it was cold outside and Tommy was cold and Wilbur was warm.

Wilbur smiled, unknown to Tommy, he took off his cape and wrapped it around him.


Tommy didn't respond, he let sleep overcome him.

Wilbur and Techno drifted off to sleep aswell, Phil overlooked them, he smiled as he saw his three sons together once again.

Kristin would have loved Tommy.

Unknown to Phil, Tommy and Kristin had met and Kristin was the whole reason why Tommy met them and how things turned out. She was the goddess of death after all.

Tommy opened his eyes, light poured in through the blinds into his room and he groaned in annoyance, but then how did he get in his house? He was with Wilbur,Techno, and Phil. Did they bring him home? They must have.

When Tommy went down stairs, Dream was gone, so he must have been at work or something, when he went to open the pantry there was no food for breakfast, looks like he would just have to go the store...By himself, but he could do it! He is a big man ( he is ten).

To say, Tommy got lost. He isn't used to going out by himself to run errands usually Tubbo, Ranboo, or Dream were with him when he did them.

Tommy was just about to leave the abandoned village when someone grabbed his scarf and pulled him back. He panicked.

"What the?! Let go of me you fucker!" He yelled, trying to pull back his scarf but then he saw another person, the women has ropes in her hands.

Where were his monster friends when he needed them?!

"So this is the mage, Dream is teaching? Tie him, we have Dream already." The man spoke from behind him, holding him in place.

The women stepped forward and tied the rope around his hands and the two lead him into his village.

"Wheres Tommy?" Wilbur whined, "He is usually never this late." Phil looked at him.

Wilbur was right, Tommy usually was here by now, he was never late. Dream would have told them if he was sick or hurt, right?

The Mage. He tried his bestWhere stories live. Discover now