CHAPTER 4 | Day 2 Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Be careful, there's a short supply. I've barely seen any. I'm just sticking to bread. Not that filling, but it's fine." Tanqr rambles, before turning back to the topic he knows is on Hyper's mind. "Got a plan to kill anyone yet? I heard you were going into the caves at noon, and you plan to stay there for a while. That's risky. That's very risky." Tanqr mocks disappointment, shaking his head. Not that Hyper can see, or that he cares.

"We need more iron. That's why."

"Yeah, but you won't be able to keep an eye on the time. They'll only remind you about an hour before. You have to kill before the sun sets, you know. You won't be able to know if the sun's setting, and if you come out of the caves too know what you're going to have to do, right?" Tanqr asks.

Hyper pauses, and it settles in. Tanqr's right. That's why he was so insistent on mining later. But now he doesn't have a choice. He knows he'll be given an alert, but he can't check - what if Megan sees?

That feeling of bloodlust takes over again, and before he knows it, he's got his sword in his hands.

"You're right, Tanqr, you're right. Maybe I should get it done now, so I won't have to worry about it later?" Geez, was that him speaking? It barely even sounded like him, he sounded so...scary.

Before he can even make a move, though, he's flung back into a tree. Ow. There goes half his health.

He looks up at Tanqr, who's got...a different expression on his face. He doesn't normally see Tanqr angry, but right now, he is. And...he'd rather not see it again.

"Try to kill me, and I won't hesitate to return the favour. Got it?"

Yeah, bad idea. Don't do that, Hyper. Tanqr's way better at fighting than you.

"Okay, okay, deal. I won't kill you." Another idea. "But what can you offer me in return?"

Tanqr's eyes light up again. Is this what he wants?

"Simple. I'll help you out. You're a good fighter, so use a sword. I'll keep things inconspicuous, so you don't have to worry about being caught checking how much time you have left by Megan. I know there's a whisper function, so I'll use that. I'll be keeping an eye on the sky for you. Oh, and actually, I'm about to go into the caves myself, but it's only early morning - I'll be back before you go in. If you're lucky, I'll get you a diamond sword to make the job easier, just in case the need to kill your dear close Megan arises. Sounds like a plan?"

"...Deal." He really just wants Tanqr to leave him alone.

"Deal accepted. I'll see you later!"

And once again, Tanqr flies (or, well, runs, but it looks like he's flying) into the trees, leaving Hyper shivering and alone once again.

Just get some wood and let him do the rest. Might help you feel a little less guilty. He tells himself, before pulling out his axe to do some chopping.


Kreek and his gang are deep, deep within the caves, down to deepslate levels, even. They're quite new to him, having not really gone this low whenever he came here.

It's annoying, though, how deep you have to go to get diamonds, now.

Speaking of which, he's found some, and heavily boasted about it in chat! In fact, they've already found three, and he's gotten himself a diamond pickaxe, and he's got the obsidian too. They just need two more for their table. And Kreek knows they'll get it first.

In fact, just as he thinks that, he hears a yell from Denis from the other side of the cave.

"Hey guys! I have like - 4 diamonds now, I got a bunch from a big vein!"

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