Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet

Start from the beginning


Liv sighs in relief maybe she was the perfect one for the job in this situation

Liv:"First off..."
Liv turns the paper over and puts the pencil down in the table

Liv:"That's all"

Kiri lays his head on the bed again face first into the pillow

Kiri:"...Your welcome"


The Female construct puts the paper in the table before standing up and walking towards his bed...she then sat at the edge of the bed

Liv:"Kiri...Please sit down"

Kiri raised his head before groaning and positioning himself in a sitting position beside Liv

Liv:"...Are you feeling okay?"

Kiri:"...Why do you care all of a sudden? Thought you hated me"

Liv:"...I do...But as medic I must also do my duties"

Kiri:"I don't need your healing Liv...I'm fine on my own"


Kiri:"Hmm yes?"

Liv and Kiri stared at each other in the eyes for a moment

Liv:"...You were about to say something weren't you?"

Kiri:"...I would but I know you won't care"

Kiri says before flopping himself at the bed and closing his eyes being bored out his mind

Liv:"...Your a not prisoner you know?"

Kiri:"...Pray tell how you managed to figure it out right now?"

The Male sarcastically says while doing a small laugh...Liv however didn't even laugh and continued to be silent


Liv says as she looked at Kiri who was just throwing his left hand upwards...Liv sighs before gently grabbing it...Liv held Kiri's hand and gently carasses it with her own

Kiri:"...Liv was Scarlet really a bad person at heart or not?"

Liv:"...I don't know how to sa-"

Kiri:"Yes or no?"

Kiri says cutting her off mid sentence...He wanted a straight forward answer...was Scarlet bad or not? Was he a villain or a hero? Was he a Giver or a Taker? Was he...the epitome of sin? Or the Hero that lived long enough to be a villain?

Liv:"...No...No he wasn't...Deep down I knew his true personality...He wanted to give people a chance"

Kiri:"He wanted to give this story a happy ending?"

Liv nods while the two still held each other's hands

Kiri:"...Tell me...What was his favorite spot on Babylonia?"

Liv looked up at the ceiling trying to remember where and she found the answer

Liv:"At the Park where the Garden is...Below a lone tree under the artificial night sky"

Kiri gazed at the ceiling letting Liv tell the rest

Liv:"He was the Scientist of young brilliance and miracles...He aspired to give everyone the very thing they wanted in children he was a Kurono he was a villain"

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