Chapter 2.

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We had met at night, not too different from tonight. He was alone, silently standing at the edge of a lake, so still it looked like a never ending mirror. From my perch of a nearby tree, I could make out his reflection, his expression, it seemed that depression was radiating off of him in heartbreaking waves. His frown pulled at my heart, willed me to flee from my position and stand by him, to swear loyalty and give my all, my everything to him there and then. This feeling was so overwhelming, I couldn't control my body as it granted my aching heart's wish, soon I found myself behind the boy, frozen in shock and unable to speak. I remember my eyes wandering over his jacket, only to lay at rest on the clan sign embellished on his back. The Uchiha Clan. I had heard many stories of the Uchiha, they always seemed to be a worthy opponent for an assassin, a hobby if you like, that was how I was brought up. But in my heart, I always wanted to be honoured to actually meet one in the flesh, to converse without conflict, a dream that I could now make reality.

"Sir?" I asked, silently scolding myself for sounding so petty and weak, like a dog to its master.

The boy turned, slowly but surely, a look of shock and confusion gracing his stunning features, overpowering the look of disheartenment as he noticed my presence.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice like velvet, encasing me in an everlasting trance at that very moment. 

"I'm sorry Sir, but I do not have an identity, other than my code. My code number is 666, so I would guess my name is: Assassin 666" I answered, regretting of throwing my only means of identity away so foolishly. 

"An assassin? You come to kill me then?" The boy asked, turning back to the water.

"N- no Sir, I-"

"Call me Madara, you sound like I'm your superior, in this case, you're stronger than me, therefore I should be weary of you, right?" He chuckled.

"Ah, no not really Madara" I looked down, walking to his side, casting my vision across the lake at two lonesome stones perfect for skipping.

"Do you deny your strength?" He asked, sitting on the ground before patting the space next to him for me to follow.

"No, but... I've been made to kill, I just like finally getting to talk to someone who isn't either giving me orders to kill or running away with only fear in their eyes. Its nice, a change to my normal life anyhow." I sighed, lowering my body till I gently hit the ground, I then pulled up my knees, loosely wrapping my arms around them.

"I see, you... Don't have any friends, do you?" He asked, a look of sympathy washing over him.

"Friends? I have no relations at all. I've grown up in a world where everything's grey and dark, everything's secretive. Emotions, relations, love, lust, friendship, everything is forbidden. I've never known anything different." I answered, pouring my heart out to a boy I had only just met five minutes ago.

"Well, I see no other alternative!" He shot upwards onto his feet, carefully taking my arm with him, making me rise also.

"E-excuse me?" I asked, clearly startled.

"I'll be your friend! Come live with me! Quit your life as an assassin! I'm sure you'll be accepted, you have talent that we could use! What do you say?" He asked, overjoyed.

"I think that's wonderful."

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