Losing Hope / Episode 23

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Bo - Hope , I'm going to talk to Abe , I'll be right back
Hope - has stopped crying , she is still backed into thr corner , sheet tightly wrapped around her , she is shaking a bit and staring blankly at Bo, she is in complete shock
Bo - leaves the cell , and moves towards Abe , Rafe and has the 2 female officers follow him
Rafe - you 2 can head back to the station thank you for your assistance
Bo - talking quietly , in a even but upset tone , This isn't going to work , Abe can you call Marlena , she's helped Hope before maybe she can help her again. I don't want to push her , shes in shock, I can't tell what's going through her mind right now and in all honesty I know it's not good
Abe - yeah I'll call her.
Rafe - we've had welch transported to the hospital already Bo
Bo- tone in his voice changes , still quite but sternly says I dont even want him on the same floor as her do you understand? You make sure you have officers on him at all times. Hes lucky steve stopped me I would have killed him
Abe - Bo You've Said enough this is between the 3 of us now. What you just said doesn't go any further
Bo - this is a damn joke , welch rapes Hope, who knows what kind of mental torture she went through and I have to worry about him being in the same hospital as Hope , I have to worry about what I say and do when it comes to him
Abe - I know how you feel Bo. He will serve the rest of his days in prison but we have to handle this the right way do you understand, I'm going to call Marlena , I'll be back
Bo. - nods at Abe , Abe leaves
Steve enters shortly after Abe leaves
I got in touch with Kay she's prepared and will examine Hope when you arrive
Rafe - Maybe I should try and talk to her Bo
Bo - no , she wouldn't even let me get near her what makes you think she will let you near her. I've seen this look before with Hope. Years ago Larry kidnapped Hops , he held her captive for a long time. months after Hope was still having nightmares, even when she was awake she would see him (insert memory from 2003 of Hope telling Bo about how Larry haunts her ) this , this is far worse. I'm litterly terrified of what's going on inside for her. How could I let this happen , how? . This is my fault, this is all my fault.
Steve - what are you talking about , this isn't your fault. Now you stop this , Hope she needs you to stay strong for her, do you understand ?
Bo - nods, his head , Bo looks back at Hope
Hope slides from her standing position to a sitting in a ball , she starts rocking bsck and forth , sheet still wrapped around her
Rafe - walkie talkie goes off
Commissioner hernandez - the ambulance is here waiting , emts are on their way down sir
Rafe - got it , thank you. Rafe - I'm going to go meet them and have them wait until Marlena gets here
Bo is still standing outside the cell looking at Hope
Steve - thats a good idea man
Rafe- ok I'll be back , I'll show marlena in once she gets here
Steve - great thanks man
Rafe leaves
Steve moves over and places his hand on Bos shoulder as he looks trough the cell bars at a terrified , shocked Hope
Closing screen is split screen of Hope and Bo




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