Luke kissed my neck and I turned to him, putting my phone down on the table. I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around him. "We're going to talk to Jessie tonight." He nodded and pulled me closer.

"Well, why don't we focus on ourselves right now instead of Jessie?" He hovered above me, his fingers dancing along my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his face down to me. I gently kissed him and he took is from there, pulling me closer to him and deepening the kiss.


Luke ordered pizza delivery with breadsticks so we didn't have to cook or stop the movie for very long. Or any other activity for long. We ate in my room, the movie on play and now that the movies are over Luke picked me up bride style and is carrying me to the shower. He set me down and quickly worked to undress himself.

Even though Luke and I had done this certain activity almost two hours ago, my hunger for him is not gone. And neither is his for me. I shook my head slipping out of my shorts and top. I heard Luke growl before turning the water on and tugging me into the shower. I bit my lip my eyes trained on his. His flicked to my lips before he cupped my face and crashed his lips to mine fiercely. I wrapped my arms around him our chests colliding as I pulled myself closer to him. This shower may not be so... clean.


After drying up from our shower, I find myself struggling with the clasp on my bra. I groaned and turned to Luke. "Luke, can you hook me up here?" He waggled his brows and I rolled my eyes. "Please."

He walked up to me and his fingers skimmed my skin as he hooked my clasp. "There you go." He kissed my neck briefly before gripping my ass and heading to his clothes. I then slid my black lace thong on and grabbed my dress. It is a simple black cotton long sleeved knee length, a-line skirt dress. I slipped it on and then blow dried my hair while Luke watched some Netflix.

After 10 minutes, my hair was dry and I opted to just leaving it in the loose waves it dried in. I walked up to Luke and massaged his shoulders seeing it is 6:35. I grazed his ear lobe and he groaned leaning back and puckering his lips. I smiled and kissed him gently. He dragged me so I am straddling him and his lips moved softly against mine, mine following suit. His tongue traced my bottom lip and I allowed him in. His hands traveled up my back and then back down a couple times until he went to lay me down on the bed. My phone rang out, causing us to both groan. I pulled away grabbing my phone and answering it.

"Hello?" I answered. I forgot to look at caller I.D.

"Hey babe." I rolled my eyes and saw Luke frowning. I pecked his lips, and then wiped the pink smudges from around his lips.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Where are you?" I can now faintly hear the music playing in the background. I frowned and pulled the phone away checking the time. Woah, 7:15 already?

"I had to make a pit stop- unexpected period."

"Oh, uh- okay find me when you get here." He then hung up and I rolled my eyes.

"Unexpected period huh? That's what I am?" Luke mocked faking hurt. I rolled my eyes standing up, cupping his face and pecking his lips.

"No. You are the guy I love, Luke." I smiled and pulled away going to apply my lipstick. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as his lips grazed my soft spot on my neck.

"And I love you, Brielle." My heart fluttered and I grabbed his hand leading us out of here. We walked down the street, unable to hold hands because of my stupid self not breaking up with Jessie. "What are you going to do?"

Jessie's Girl [Is Complete : Watty's 2018]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon