chapter two

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Ein pov

I am gay aphmau...* why did I say that!!?!? She will judge me and hate me like everyone else*

Aphmau pov

*kmg he is gay I have the best ship for him ein and pierce since pierce is bisexual(my story my rules😇)
Ein don't be scared I support you half brother you are really brave to come out to me and I am very happy that you trust me.

Ein pov

Really aph you support me omg I love you sister (only like a sibling nothing more )
" ofc bro you are my family and it's my job to support you even if you are gay" I smile.

Aaron then comes in my house really happy " ein today is full moon you.know what that means"
" yeah I know " "come and meet me in 4 hours and we will howl ok?"
Aaron says "yeah sure 🙄 "

Pierce pov (bet you weren't ready for this 😈)

4 hours later

I hear ein and Aaron howling
I look out of my window and see him "omg he is so hot" wait what?! What did i just say omg 😳
I blush a lot

Ein pov(😏)

I look toy right to see my best friend my really hot best friend
I don't mind calling him hot or pretty but I rather not talk to him like that i might make him uncomfortable.
I run towards his house and knock on his door. "Pierce open up inknow you are awake" I yell

Pierce pov

I go and open the door there stands a beautiful man.
"HI ein " i say acting angry.

Ein pov

Ohh someone is tired. Well I am here to ask if you are going to the sleepover that aphmau is hosting. I ask*
".oh yeah I am going and you?"
Yeah I am going too see you there goodnight
Good night ein see you there

317 words

Longer chapter it is 🥰
Sorry if you find Amy grammar mistakes English is not first language

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