How could I not notice it?!

All of this time.

This was a secret that she had been hiding from you.

At this very moment, you realized how naive you had been (well, you already died from your own naivety so fair enough). You let yourself get fooled by her.

You remembered the time when you asked...

...the name...

...of the villainess...

...and all she did was dodge the question.

You thought she intended for the villainess to remain nameless so that was why after that, you didn't bother to ask anymore.

You remembered it vividly, her answer...

...she said, "Who knows?".

At first, you supposed that she was messing around and that it was her way to tell you that the villainess would remain nameless.

But you were wrong.

Oh how much of an idiot you were.

The villainess...


For goodness sake.

Was this how strong her abhorrence was towards you?

Did she have to go this far, to the point of making you a villainess in her novel?

How humiliating to remember how you despised and insulted the villainess of her book who was such a desperate and attention-seeking whore...

...when she was you...

...all along.




...villainess." You said those words to your own reflection as if saying them in your mind wouldn't be enough for you to emphasize it, you needed to say it out loud, as to reaffirm to yourself that it was the truth.

You weren't even bothered by the fact that you were just in a white mini-dress and barefooted when you exited the room in panic just now.

To be honest, it was actually quite inappropriate to only wear that outside of your room and to think that Mucho had seen you, it made things worse.

Because what you were wearing was considered undergarments.


It wasn't like you were totally naked anyways.

You didn't mind since you believed that your clothes were not that revealing but Mucho probably did mind.

You just didn't know.

That guy had a deadpan expression, you couldn't tell what he was feeling or even thinking.

It didn't matter.

villainess | tenjikuWhere stories live. Discover now