"Can you fucking shut up? There's no one waiting for you outside. No reporters nor your fans. The company make sure to hide this very well because they don't want to let things out of the frying pan, into the fire. You don't want things that already bad enough to become worse right?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Apo let out a huge sigh before holding both of Build's arms. His expression kind of scared Build a little. Build gulps while his mouth shut tightly when Apo finally speaks. "I guess your manager did a good job not letting you engage with all the comments and insults they throw at you."

"Don't tell me..."

"I'm sorry Biu... I know it was a lot to accept but the company is trying to cover it very well and they will do their best to take down the video and none of us will look down at you because we know, we know how terrible it feels like especially when you have to face it alone without anyone's care. Barcode has made a statement and things will go back to normal. You just need time for yourself and be with yourself more. You can tell me anything if something is bothering you Biu. I got your back." Apo hugged Build tightly after the man finally broke down in front of him crying and sobbing, begging like his life is depends on his best friend.

"Barcode made a statement without consenting me first? All of you hide this from me and I feel like a stupid person do you know that?!" Build screams as loudly as he could, continue with his cries like a mad person and hitting his best friend's body while the actor refused to let him go from his embrace until the screams slowly turns into muffles. The poor model was sobbing and hugging back his best friend like his life depends on it.

He was imagining the worst had come and it truly crashes him with the fact that his family, his friends, his fans and all the people who knew him had witnessed the thing he will never proud of, the awful thing he wants to erase deeply from his thought and the thing that he will never forgive himself for, has finally been shown to the public! He should just die now. He deserves to die. Nobody wants him anymore knowing that he's just a broken rag doll, shameful and dirty, especially Bible. The man of his life... He was the love of his life and now that everything had been shown to public, does the man will ever look at him even if a tiny bit of sympathy?

"Biu! Biu stop. You are just started to recover yourself! Hey wake up!" Build's whole body was shaking awfully, he's breathe become unstable, and the panic attack has started to form that Build felt like he's dying. Bible who was listening and peeking from the outside of the room, quickly act with reflect, rushed towards his Build. His eyes were already crying when he saw the man broke down in front of his best friend but the sight of the man struggling with his panic attack could kill him inside. Oh no! What has he done? His Build didn't deserve any of this. The man is too delicate for this cruel world. Bible felt the rage blooming and fuming inside his body wanted to kill Blue at this moment. His Build is suffering because of that man. The man will die at his hands.

"Biu! Biu hey wake up! Stay with me, stay with me Biu..." Bible was panic when Build didn't show any sign of returning to normal, he took Build's body away from Apo and immediately pull the shaking body in his embrace. He hugged the model tightly until Build trying to catch his breath slowly and eyes finally shutting down by itself. He was black out and not aware of what happened after that.


"This is crazy... I told you we shouldn't keep this from him!"

"Can you calm yourself the fuck down?! And you think I want to keep from him also? As a CEO I want nothing than a safety towards all my artists! No exception! Bible asked me to keep this so I thought it was a good idea since Build is still in recovery process."

"Well the idea of that fucking manager is stupid! Look how things had turned out? My best friend is fucking having a panic attack. And you of all people asking me to calm down when it's happened in front of my eyes?!"

Bible stomps his both hands on the table so loud and hard until the water of bottle moved a little bit and silencing the arguments between Apo and Pond. He stand up abruptly not wanting to be with them any longer than he has. There's a lot of important things that he should take care of instead of wasting their time arguing about the things that already damaged. They now need to find a way on how to catch the man.

Blue is on the run. Sure the police is hunting the man but he was on a fucking run. He was out there, breathing behind their neck and the thought of he's still not in prison yet is sending him chills. It was very dangerous that the man could do anything to harm Build, he will do everything to get his revenge done not when they started to make a police report and it involves the prosecutor's office in making a follow up investigation of Blue's crimes. How did things become this way? Bible wiped his face roughly feeling on edge with all the mess that partly because of him too... If only he didn't make an agreement with that psycho, things will not be turned out like this.


Author's note ahead !

Hey guys! How is it? You guys okay? I spent my whole day writing these three chapters in one shot because I'm going to finish the book soon! I'm planning to finish it until chapter 15 cause if you guys noticed, I also update my book in ao3. You guys must have a lot of questions playing in your mind right? Like why Bible was acting weird while nursing Build for three days, and a lot of phone calls??? Barcode made a statement??? What statement??? I know some of you probably will guess them already, but everything will be told later in the next chapter... I just realized that my imagination is lack of lovey dovey moment between Bible Build, well because they are not boyfriends yet! Yeah... I'm gonna torture you guys a bit with some drama and angst shhshhshshs So please drop a lot of comments and vote! Because it inspired me to write more. Bye! See you guys later lol

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