Chapter 38

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After school, everyone met up at Miyagi Do and we started with our opposite senseis, today we're practising kicks. It was Demetri's turn, sensei Lawrence wasn't paying attention and got kicked in the face.

"Oh shit, um I'm not going to get in trouble am I?" Demetri says, accepting what has happened.

Next thing we know Demetri is now being used as a punching bag, Clover kept on trying to keep the laughter from escaping. It was her turn next, she did the front and side kick

"Nice kicks Lucky Charm" Sensei says, high-fiving me on my way out. It was going smoothly until someone missed kicking Demetri... elsewhere.

After the session, Clover then head off to the skatepark for a bit of a relaxing thing.

"What's with your sister and skateboarding?" Hawk asks Miles

"Its her calm thing, I mean it hasn't been calm lately ever since Clover went off at Robby," Miles says, Hawk listening intently. Went off at Robby Hawk questioned, they were like peas in a pod, what had happened between them

When Clover makes it to the skatepark, everytime she is there he is too. What in the magic is this? Her heartbeat was quick, beating quicker then ever. Every so often she'd look in Robby's direction, no what is she doing she is supposed to be mad at him. They hurt each other, how can she be feeling this way around him.

Later on Clover was off to the movies with her friends. She was getting a few things for everyone.Then she knocks into someone knocking everything over in his hands. Clover curses under her breath, that caught the attention of Robby.

"I'm so sorry, I can explain everything that happened," Clover says, apologising to the middle school boy. The boy was shocked, he knew her as Robby's ex-best friend and a Miyagi Do why was she being so nice to him. Robby smiled slightly when he was how nice you were being to him

"You like her don't you?" Tory asks, looking at where Robby was looking at Clover who was apologising

"Was it obvious?" He replies, looking at Tory then back at Clover .When Hawk, Nate and Burt came along. Hawk shoves the boy

"Hawk just leave him alone, he's not harming anyone" Clover says

"You should watch where your going kid" Hawk says

"Yeah same goes for you" Robby says, walking over. Kenny walks to beside him. Hawk puts a protective arm around her waist and Clover slaps it away. Robby tried to keep an amused smile off his face at that.

"Hawk, don't touch me" Clover warns. Each side of the karate war appears. How in the hell did it turn from Clover being a clutz and trying to be nice, to a karate standoff.

"You betrayed Miyagi-Do. Traitor." Nate says

"Oh, there's a traitor here for sure. He's gonna get what he deserves." Tory says, aimed towards Hawk

"I don't think so. Not if I have anything to say about it, Princess." Sam butts in

"Hey, guys.Can you believe that they have Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper? Oh shit. Not another rumble." Demetri says, now known to the rumble.

"Careful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker." Tory mocks

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asks

"Stop. We can't do this. We'll beat 'em on the mat." Miguel says

"Oh really? You remember what happened the last time we fought, right?" Robby points out

' Okay. Meet us at the baseball diamond in 30 minutes. And no weapons." Miguel says, looking at Tory

"Yeah, we won't need 'em." Tory defends


"Let's go."

They all sat in a car, watching the Cobras in the diamond as the sprinklers turn on, it was pretty amusing to watch but they really shouldn't be starting stuff before the tournament. Clover sighs

"Whoa! Dude, genius move! We didn't even have to throw a punch!" Hawk says, amazed

"My favorite kind of victory." Demetri adds, they then start to drive off.

"Henceforth, Miguel Diaz shall be known as The Rainmaker." Demetri says at practice the next day

"El Diablo de la Lluvia!"Clover could not even understand what he was saying but smiled anyway

" If they hadn't fallen for it, we would've beaten them." Sam says

"I don't know about you guys but I just wanted to watch the movie" Clover replies

"Without this whole karate thing, we're gonna need some sort of break away from it or that's when our emotions get involved." Clover adds

"Maybe, but it could've gone bad." Demetri says

"What could've gone bad?" Mr Lawrence said, walking in

"We were about to get in a gnarly fight at the drive-in, but Miguel saved the day." Clover says tiredly.

"Oh yeah? How'd you do that?" Mr Lawrence asks

" Told the Cobra Kais to come to the baseball diamond. Just in time for the grass to get watered." Miguel responds

"So you picked a fight, you didn't show up, and then you doused them with a hose?" Mr Lawrence inquired

"Oh, it was sprinklers. I'll go back to saying nothing." Demetri says, once he got the look from Mr Lawrence

"You just poked the bear. What do you think's gonna happen? They're just gonna leave well enough alone?" Mr Lawrence exclaims

"From everything I heard, it sounds to me like Miguel practiced restraint. Found a way to get out of a bad situation without anyone getting hurt." Mr LaRusso says, joining them

"What did you want him to do, get in a drive-in switchblade fight? I'm proud of you. You've taken Miyagi-Do teachings to heart." Mr LaRusso says, the really ruffled up Mr Lawrence.

"Okay, LaRusso, we need to have a talk." Mr Lawrence says lowly.

"What the-" Mr LaRusso says, seeing figures approaching. Mr LaRusso looks livid by it

"Gentlemen, it seems we have a few things to discuss" The man next Kreese says, taking off his sunglasses.

"That guy looks like a full diva" Clover whispered over to Miguel.

Built on a lie- Cobra Kai (Being rewritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon