Chapter 36

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Everything went downhill from there, Clover sighed. Only a few months until All Valley with the way this is going we'll never have a shot at winning. After practice, Clover slowly made her way to the skatepark, Miles caught a ride with Mr Lawrence and Miguel.

Clover cursed under her breath when she saw Robby there. She tried to act natural until Robby approached her.

"Hey, how are you doing," He asked, Clover almost let her guard down but her emotions took over

"You really think you can come up to me after everything," Clover says, shocking Robby.

"No, you didn't let me in, you didn't text me, I'm sick of being the one to start the conversations if we look through every one of them you can see I've started every conversation. What happened to us, Robby? What happened to still being friends since we were friends before this whole karate thing? You didn't let me in, you pushed me away with everyone else, I understood everyone else you have your reasons but me! I didn't do anything to you, Robert Keene, I tried to be there for you I've had enough. I didn't do this to you when I was in Cobra Kai and you Miyagi Do, why are you treating me differently" Clover let out every single emotion she felt towards the situation,

"Maybe I was just stupid for trusting you" and after that, she stormed off.

Robby was unknown how to react, realising he pushed away the one person that was trying to be there for him but one thing was for sure she was insanely attractive when she was angry.

The next morning she walked into the dojo, she saw Hawk walking through with, is that a sledgehammer? She followed to where Demetri explained what was going on and she agreed to help

"it's comin' down!" Hawk exclaims

"Hey! What are you doin'?" Mr LaRusso shouts

" You were both right. Talk is cheap. So I'm building a bridge." Hawk points out

"Uh, more specifically, an Okinawan sparring deck. Eli's a design whiz. I looked it over and the physics check out." Demetri backs up

"Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training." Sam continues

"We're all gonna help build it." Miguel says

"Assuming our senseis approve?" Clover questions

"Sounds good to me."

"Yeah. Sounds awesome." A smile came to their faces, as they continued on working.

The deck turned out amazingly, it was insanely impressive. Clover smiled and high-fived her brother, catching a ride home with Mr Lawrence. Miguel invites Clover and Miles for a while like old times to hang out and all that sort of stuff. Carmen was happy to have the two over, offering for them to stay for dinner they tried to decline but they didn't really get a choice in that. Clover was grateful for Carmen and Rosa, Carmen becoming a mother figure towards the two as both their mother was unavailable.

Clover and Miles thanked the Diaz's for dinner and headed into their own apartment, now just waiting for her dad to be home. Devon Holland was a very hard-working man trying to support himself and his kids. Devon worked a trucking job once every so often for a week of travel and worked for LaRusso Auto. Clover was incredibly proud of her dad, Devon worked way too hard but he wouldn't have it any other way if it supported his kids.

Clover was beyond pissed that night, thinking about what happened at the skatepark that afternoon. She sighs and once again goes through her camera roll at all times they hung out before this and when they practised together at Miyagi Do.

"GO!" Sam exclaimed from behind the camera. Clover and Robby were sparring together for fun just before Mr LaRusso arrived.

"Robby! That's no fair" Clover shouts, when Robby tries to get Demetri to distract me. Clover then knocks him down

"Point and winner to me" Clover says, laughing as Robby stood up and picked her up spinning her around.

Clover smiles fondly at the video, she misses when things used to be normal, before the party before Miguel and Sam before the school fight. She wishes every night that it had of gone differently, Robby would never have been in juvie, Miguel wouldn't of been in hospital for weeks and not walking, so many people wouldn't have gotten trauma from that day. Clover puts her phone down in frustration, as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she really misses Robby.

Meanwhile, Robby is doing the same thing, looking at all the memories they had together that have just gone to waste. He wishes he didn't push her away, he wishes he had of answered her emails and when he got out texted her instead of her starting the conversations cause she was right.

Robby looked through those photos and realised the way he looked at her in most of those photos, it was like it was only them in the world. He saw how beautiful she looked in every photo, realison had hit him like a truck. He liked her a lot more then just friends more then just best friends. He had fallen and he had fallen hard. He sounded cringy in his head and viably cringed as he thought about how cheesy that sounds.

Both of them looking at their photos, he'd fallen first but she fell harder.

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