I never meant for this to happen * (angst and some fluff)

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this is going to be an angsty one with some fluff at the end!! this is my first-time writing angst so please forgive me if it's not that good, I'm still a beginner!!! this is also my first time writing in 3rd person! I usually write in 1st person, so this is gonna be interesting!


It was an early Tuesday morning on 'Isla nublar'.  The five teenagers were still sound asleep, Yasmina was keeping watch for anything out of the ordinary.  suddenly, one teenager startled awake, Darius specifically. Yasmina turned her head and glanced at Darius. 

"You alright? this is like the third time you've startled awake this week." Yasmina asked, sounding slight worried.

Darius sat up all the way and rubbed his eyes slightly. "Yeah, it's nothing" he assured, standing up. he wasn't in his bunk because he had fallen asleep on the couch the night before. he walked over to Yasmina and sat beside her. she'd smile slightly.

nearly five minutes later, Ben awakened and walked down to where Darius and Yas were. "morning" he said, yawning before sitting beside Darius. 

"Good morning, Ben!" Darius softly spoke, smiling warmly. Ben smiled back tiredly.

"Morning!" Yas added, grinning slightly. 

ben stood up and climbed down the ladder, going to greet bumpy. Darius chuckled a bit, sighing happily. "Oh! Darius, I forgot to ask! we are pretty low on fruits and berries, could you and ben go gather some for breakfast?" Yas asked, glancing at Darius.

"Oh, yeah sure!" Darius agreed, standing up and grabbing a nearby bag to hold the fruit and berries before climbing down the ladder and waving up to Yas.

"I'll be back soon!" he called out as he walked out the gate to go find ben. Yas nodded and continued to watch over the camp.

"Ben!!" Darrius called out, as he shooed a few compies away from the gate. he was about to open his mouth to call out again when he was interrupted by the sound of the bush rustling. Darius stepped back a bit, a bit startled. he kept his eye on the bush. the rustling began to get louder and closer. Darius stepped back again, preparing himself for what may be behind the bush. finally, the dinosaur came clear from the bushes, it was bumpy. 

"Bumpy! you scared me, girl!" Darius laughed, walking over to bumpy. he looked around, expecting ben to be somewhere near her. 

"Bumpy? where's ben?" Darius asked bumpy, placing his hand on her snout. bumpy was acting different, she was acting worried. bumpy groaned, she was obviously scared or nervous. 

Darius became worried, ben was nowhere near camp. he glanced around, when he glanced back at bumpy, she was running off into the jungle. "Bumpy! wait!" Darius called out, following quickly behind bumpy.

after around five minutes of chasing bumpy, Darius finally caught up to her, as she was now trotting. Darius looked around as he followed behind bumpy, a few branches were knocked down. he looked down and saw some kind of dinosaur tracks, they looked like they had come from a carnivore of some sort, though it was hard to tell. 

finally bumpy stopped, Darius wasn't looking and bumped into her. he looked in front of her and saw ben laying on the ground, he wasn't moving. there was a pool of blood underneath him. Darius dropped the bag he was holding. his body tensed up as he felt his eyes feel up with tears. his heart began to race. he ran over to ben and kneeled beside him, scooping ben into his arms, tears trailing down his face. ben had a large wound on his waist, most likely from a carnivore or maybe a large branch falling on him. there had been a bad storm not too long ago and branches were falling off of trees due to the storm.

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