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Giant mechs!? Were these people insane!? This was not what I expected when I applied for this!
I managed to snag the quirks of two students who were running away from the gigantic metal beasts and managed to take down two of them before I heard Izuku yelling and suddenly my focus shifted from getting into UA to protecting that boy who'd never been able to protect himself!
I sprinted forward down the artificial streets and when I rounded the corner I witnessed something amazing.
Izuku was using a Quirk!
My jaw dropped as I watched him save a small brunette girl from the biggest mech of them all with the strength of what I could only akin to as All Might!
And then.... he fell, his arm turned into a spindly limp noodle and my heart jumped into my throat. "IZUKU!" I screeched and I rushed forward, but that girl from before seemed to have some sort of anti gravity Quirk and managed to catch him before he hit the ground.
I met them where they landed and slid to my knees next to Izuku and looked down at him with trembling hands. "Shit! Izuku!" I said as I tried to inspect his arm without really touching him, panic rising in my chest as I looked down at my friend. My mind was racing, I couldn't form a coherent thought!
Then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and everything paused as I looked up to see the infamous Erasurehead gripping my shoulder. "Breathe kid. He's gonna be fine." He said calmly, reassuring me and I took a deep breath, nodding slowly.
He was right. Everything would be fine.

I watched as the medical robots took Izuku to the infirmary and Erasure pulled me along with him after everyone else had been dismissed.
"You have a very interesting Quirk there kid." He said as we walked.
I looked up at him a little nervously. He was so much more intimidating now that I was claiming down.
"Do I?" I asked.
"Yes. It's very similar to someone very powererful." He muttered as he glanced down at me.
I cocked my head to the side. "Who?"
He smirked slightly and shook his head. "No one you need to worry about." He said dismissively, "tell me about yourself. What's your family like?"
I turned my gaze forward after a moment as I began to speak, confused by his way of bringing someone up but not telling me about them. "Well it's really just me and my mother. Grana Ouno." I said simply.
"What of your old man?"
I shrug. "I never knew him. Mom says he bounced before I was born... apparently he was in some kind of trouble and just disappeared."
He was quiet for a long moment, only the sounds of out footsteps sounding in the echoing halls.
"I see. Well I'm sorry to hear that. Seems like he really missed out of watching a formidable young woman grow." He said as we stopped in front of a door.
"Your friends here. You can take him home when Recovery Girl says it's ok." He said as he opened the door and I nodded, giving him a light bow. "Thank you sir." I say before stepping inside.
There he laid, my best friend, and next to his bed on a rolling stool was a little old nurse woman and I bowed. "Hello ma'am. I'm Izukus friend. Yuna."
She smiled sweetly, "ahh yes! Come on in. He should be waking up soon. My Quirk uses the body's own enery to speed up the healing process so my patients tend to sleep a bit after I treat them. But once he's up you two can go."
I nod and sit on the bed next to izuku and take his hand that hadn't been broken and my mind began to wander again, all be it in a much more calm manner this time.
How had that even happened? What even was that? Izuku didn't have a Quirk! How had he...
Izuku began to stir in his sleep and his eyes peaked open, jearking me from my thoughts as I leaned over him and took his face. "Izuku? You awake?" I asked gently.
He moaned and nodded, "yeah. I'm awake." He said as I helped him sit up slowly.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
He looked down at his arm and slowly flexed his hand. "My arms a bit stiff but..  I think I'm ok."
I smiled and sighed in relief. "Good..." them I punched him in the stomach. "THEN WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I barked as he clutched his stomach with a groan.
"You have a quirk! Since when does Izuku Midorya have a quirk!?" I asked, taking his shirt collar in my hands as tears filled my eyes. "Have you had one this whole time?!"
He blinked at me and his brow furrowed with what looked like guilt. "No... I just... it just kinda happened over the summer. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
I looked at him for a long moment before sighing and letting him go. I'd never known izuku to be a liar but... that didn't feel like the whole truth either.
"Fine then. I forgive you." I said folding my arms over my chest.
I then noticed recovery girl smiling at us sweetly and she held out two pieces of hard candy. "Take these you two. And head home to rest."
I took them from her and nodded, handing Izuku his and the two of us thanked her before we headed out of UA to await our results.

All For Themजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें