°• chapter 20 •°

Start from the beginning

" mitsuya look my fav colour! "

I hold the dress and look back

" mitsuya? "

He not there

Where is he

I put the dress back and walk away

"Where could he be .. "

I seat at one of the bench

" maybe he go to the toilet I should wait for him .."

Mitsuya phone

Somebody call me

' ran calling you '

What he want

" mitsuya hello ..."

" oh hello there my buddy whats up ? "

" um..I'm just telling you um..where are you? "

" at shopping mall why ?"

" I think you gonna kill me I don't know why-"

" just straight to the point haitani "

" y/n is sick she caught cold -"

I hang up the phone

And goes straight to my bike leaving yukari alone

Suki pov

" oh honey you caught cold "

" m-mum I want to eat but I don't ha-"

I shush her out

" don't worry mommy suki here ! To rescued you !"

She smile

I walk downstairs

" ok what should I cook "

Since yuki at work I'm the only one

It's ok little bird mommy bird will cook the best food for yo-

Knock knock

Hm who could that be ?

I walk to the door

Oh shinichiro right ?

" hello Ms suzuki I hear y/n is sick so I have medicine for her "

" how do you know that her sick ? "

" just guess it "

You know what he look nice

" ok you can come in how about you go straight at her room and give her the medicine "

He smile and node

Now times to coo-

Knock knock

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