Count Down To Yuletide on Star Base 12- Chapter 31 Yuletide in Lennox Territory

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"My father married a woman that he didn't love and so did my aunt." Lord Alexander Charles states, " I know that your father didn't want to marry my aunt, but it was arranged by our grandfathers."  

"I married the woman I loved." Lord Andrew Charles tells his cousin " I   wouldn't marry unless I could marry the woman I loved. It took 4 years for her to arrive on Star Base 12." 

"I didn't have that trouble." Lord Alexander Charles tells his cousin, Lord Andrew Charles.

"I married the woman I wanted to marry. I had my father's blessing but my damn mother did not like her religion. She is a damn Presbyterian. " Lord Alexander Charles states.

"My dear Lady Josephine Isabella is a Christian Roman Catholic and my mother is from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and they call everyone a heretic or Papist who don't believe as they do." Lord Alexander Charles says with laugh.

"My damn mother refused to attend our wedding as it was held in the Catholic Cathedral in Lennox." Lord Alexander Charles states " I didn't care as long as I could marry the woman that I loved. " 

"I know Lady Karissa and I were there with my father and mother." Lord Andrew Charles tells his cousin.

"I never in all my life heard of people calling other Christians heretics since the medieval times." Lord Alexander Charles states,

"My damn mother almost had a fit when we put up a Christmas Tree in the manor. She called it Pagan." Lord Alexander Charles states, "I told my mother, "I am a Celtic Pagan."  

"My mother gave me a look I thought that was going to kill me. I survived it and I told her she was free to go back where she came from." Lord Alexander Charles states.

 "I don't have that problem, Lady Karissa is a Norse Pagan, and I am a Roman Pagan and father is a Greek Pagan and  Lord Richard William Carey is a Celtic Pagan." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"My first cousin, Lord David William Beck is a Christo-Pagan and his wife is a Non-denominational Christian and they celebrate both the Pagan Sabbats and The Christian Holidays." Lord Andrew Charles states.

 "My father is a Pagan of no specific Path and he celebrates Yuletide, Beltane,  Mabon, and Samhain and that is all." Lord Alexander Charles states.

"He also celebrate Thanksgiving Day,  The Georgian New Year, as well." Lord Alexander Charles states.

Lord Alexander Charles pulls out a picture of his father and mother together and he shows it to his first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

"My father told my mother that he was the Duke of Lennox Territory and she was only his wife and not even his Duchess as he never had crowned as his Duchess when they married

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"My father told my mother that he was the Duke of Lennox Territory and she was only his wife and not even his Duchess as he never had crowned as his Duchess when they married." Lord Alexander Charles states, "When I became Duke of Lennox Territory. Lady Josephine Isabella became Duchess with me." 

"Lady Karissa was created Marchioness of Pembroke Territory when she gave birth to my father's golden hair heiress and we both became Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory at the same time." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lord Alexander Charles.

"We both have heiresses to our Dukedoms." Lord Andrew Charles say with a laugh.

"I have Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and you have Lady Alexandrina Charlene and my two brothers have an heiress as well as well as Lord Richard William Carey." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin.

"It must be some kind of conspiracy to eliminate the men from governing Star Base 12." Lord Alexander Charles states.

"I predict that next 100 years with governors by our daughters, but I have the comfort knowing that I have two sons and you have a son, my brothers have son, my cousins have a son too." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lord Alexander Charles.

Yuletide is celebrated in Lennox Territory without regards how the Orthodox Presbyterians feel about it and people are given free to use of their conscience without be calling a heretic or Papist. 


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