chapter 2- Alaska

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chapter 2- Alaska

tonight was.... weird.

that Harry guy? so amazingly hot. his green eyes sparkled and every time he moved, his curls bounced around. he was perfect.

for half an hour, we talked but he kept asking about me and my life, like as if his life wasn't important. I hope I didn't seem nervous or weird or anything.

what am I thinking? he's a celebrity. I have no chance with him even if I wanted a chance. but he seemed like he was actually interested in me... but It's not like I'm ever going to see him again in person. he's Harry styles and I'm Alaska Palacio. the boring girl from boring Fort Myers, Florida.

I stepped back into reality as I stopped at the red light while Ashley sat in the back singing "that's what makes you beautiful" by one direction. before she became deaf, she loved that song with all her heart. and then there was the accident. our family tries to forget that terrible experience of a few months ago when Ashley lost her hearing. but that was an unforgettable moment.

I pulled into mom's driveway and pulled the key out of the ignition. I looked back and found Ashley asleep. after all, it was 10:00 pm.I carried her to the door and put her in her bed.

all I remember is driving home and then crashing onto the bed. I suddenly found myself in a deep sleep.


"Alaska! wake up! It's like 10 in the morning you sleepyhead!" Ashley giggled as she jumped on my bed.

"Ugh get out of my room! NOW!" I screamed at her, pulling the pillow over my head.

Ashley immediately stopped and jumped off my bed. "geez, didn't have to be so mean." She said as she walked out.

I got up slowly and gradually and headed downstairs. I found my mom and Ashley sitting at the dining room table having breakfast. they saved a plate with eggs and pancakes for me.

I had my breakfast and hurried up to take a shower. there was a knock on the bathroom door. "WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Alaska, we're going to the mall okay, get ready quick." my mom said.

I got ready as fast as I could. I had no makeup on and I was wearing yoga pants with a Seminoles t-shirt. my hair was up in a messy bun tied with a red bow. I darted to the car and soon, mom was pulling out of the driveway. I sat in the backseat with Ashley.

"Hey can I show you a song?" Ashley asked me sweetly.

"sure as long as it's not Hannah Montana " I joked.

She answered with an eye roll and placed the headphones into my ear that were connected to her mp3 player. the song came on and according to her it was called "What makes you beautiful". not bad.

I wanted to show her one of MY personal favorites, "Donald Trump" by Mac Miller. So I stuck the head phones in her ear, put the volume extra loud, and pressed play.

when I pressed play, she jumped up out of the seat and started shaking. I quickly took the head phones out of her ear and started shaking her. was the music that bad?

"Ashley, are you OKAY?!" I asked her while shaking her. no response.

"what's going back there!" mom screamed.

"I don't know!!" I screamed back, tears starting to form in my eyes. She looked like she was having a seizure.

then suddenly I saw a flash of red. my eyes diverted to her ears. Ashley's ears were gushing out thick, red blood.

"NOO!!" I screamed trying to fight back the tears. "mom she's bleeding!" I screamed.

"WHAT?!" my mom turned around, her eyes off the road.

and that's when we crashed, and everything went black.

"AHHHHHHH" I screamed. shooting up in bed.

Thank God it was just a dream. but it wasn't. that was reality, it had happened. what I did to my sister is something that my mom NEVER forgave me for. and I didn't forgive myself either. I was a horrible sister.

I wiped the droplets of sweat and tears off my face and took a deep breath. I made my bed nicely and went to brush my teeth. I realized I had an enormous zit on my cheek. yay.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:00 am. I had to be at work at the hospital in 20 minutes.

I am doing a nursing program at the hospital that helps speed up the process of my career. I met incredible people I truly did. and once they died, it broke my heart and shattered it.

"Alaska! are you okay? I heard screaming." my roommate Laura asked as she peeked into my bedroom door.

"yeah I'm fine, just another nightmare." I answered.

She replied with a smile and walked to her room. I got ready in ten minutes and headed to work. I arrived 10 minutes late, but oh well.

the day was a drag until my boss called me into the office. uh oh. boss never calls people into the office unless they're getting fired...

I slowly approached his office and silently prayed so that nothing bad happened. I lightly knocked on the door, my hand shaking in the process.

"yes come in" Dr. Morgan said from behind his desk. I came in and smiled as he waved for me to sit down. I sat down comfortably and tapped my foot.

he coughed and started talking. "Well nurse Palacio, you've shown good progress" I silently sighed in relief.

"and we have decided to give you an opportunity to show that you're able to handle tough situations and that you'll be able to give good physical therapy. So the next patient in critical condition is yours. no one will be babysitting you on this. So what do you say?"

"yes, of c-course" I stuttered, still not believing what he had said. I would get a chance to prove I'm good at this!

"good, now-" he was cut off by the ringing of the office phone. "Sorry" he said to me and answered the call. during the call, his facial expression changed from relaxed to panicked. he hung up quickly and stood up. I stood up as well.

"Well, now's your time. there's a patient in critical condition coming in." he told me with a smile.

we rushed to the emergency room which was in another building. when we got there, the patient was being brought in with a stretcher. "Nurse Palacio, come!" a panicked nurse called me. this brought back horrible memories of our car accident when Ashley became deaf. Alaska, stop flashbacking. get to work.

I checked the man's heart rate, he was fine, I checked his breathing, perfect, but he had the most humongous cut on his thigh. it opened about 4 inches into his thigh, and you could see bone.

"You poor thing. we're going to get you fixed up" I reassured him with a smile. I looked at his face for a response

I know him. I could recognize those green eyes anywhere. and the curls.. Oh my gosh. this isn't happening. no.

"Harry?" I asked surprisingly.

"Well, I guess we're going to be around each other for a while, huh?" he said with a wink, flashing a smile and showing his adorable dimples.


authors note:

intenseness is that a word? k. Well vote and comment to whoever's reading this. there's probably no one reading this lol but okay. bye bye :)


-Brianna. :)

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