"So you'll leave us? Again?" Chris asked with little strength behind his words. He was devastated, but he didn't want to let anyone see.

"Please don't go," Milly cried, "please." Harper took a deep breath and tried to comfort her.

"I don't want to go. I enjoyed my time with you," she started, "but they need me, and I can't ignore that."

Mikey and Zoey joined the hug, Chris couldn't move, and Tom was trying to sort through any information that could help save his sister.

"I really am sorry," Harper's guilt was more than she could bear, and she started crying with her siblings. They turned into a slobbering mess.

I don't want this to end, I don't want to lose what I have here, I don't want to let go of this family. Her thoughts rambled on as they all kept crying together.


Harper and Zoey laid on the bed together in Harper's room, listening to music.

"It's a little bit weird, you know? I can start using my powers freely around the house now that I don't have to hide them anymore. Then again, you can't because your power is a passive one." Harper spoke her thoughts for Zoey to hear, but she didn't answer.

They listened in silence for a while before Harper broke. She rolled over and poked Zoey on her cheek several times.

"Harpy, I swear to whatever deity you worship, I will kick your ass." Zoey was having none of it.

"Hey, I was thinking, can I try something?" Harper pushed on. "Ugh, you already interrupted my relaxation, so what can be worse than that? What do you want to try?" Zoey rolled over as well.

"I was able to enhance my cells and overcharge them to increase my power; maybe it could boost yours too. That's what I want to try; I'm curious as to what you'll be able to tell about the future."

Zoey was surprised, "it actually sounds like a good idea; I'm impressed." Harper took offense to that but kept it to herself. "So, what do I do?" Zoey asked.

"Lie on your back and close your eyes." Harper put both of her palms on either side of Zoey's head and started pouring energy into her body.

"Our powers are made of cores. They're like an invisible organ that's made of energy. So if you charge them up, they, in turn, charge the body, and the result is increased ability."

"My core is in my chest and it has grown roots all over. My mentor said that those roots are abilities that were created from the core but are different. Like my ability the move faster than normal people. It isn't my core power, but it was created from it."

"Your core is in your brain, fitting, isn't it? Soon a branch will form in your body because of the energy I'm pouring in, and hopefully, you'll have a vision you'll understand." Zoey listened to the speech, but there was only one thing that caught her attention.

"You never told me you had a mentor. You don't talk about your old life now that I think about it."

Harper giggled, "yeah, I guess not. When I was about fifteen, my powers started showing. He found me protecting myself from thieves, and he took me in. He liked to say he couldn't tell if I was a boy or a girl back then."

"He taught me how to use my powers and he taught me his moral code, then he set me free. I would see him from time to time, but I made a name for myself and started to live my own life."

"By the time I was twenty-two, the guild was formed, and there weren't that many of us, so I was a little famous."

"I wasn't the best, but I was a part of the team. There was me, Captain Ford, who was also known as North. There was Hound, who was our tracker, and, uh, Addison. She was my best friend." 

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