Chapter 1:Falling hard

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3rd person POV

Everyone is sitting in the cafeteria making plans for Saturday meanwhile Meme is just staring at Socks

~Meme's POV~

Gosh Socks is just so,so cute,smart and handso- wait! what i'm thinking he's my best friend i can't like him he's not even into boys plus i think he may like Ally but i just can't help it he's just so perfect what- the fuck am i thinking?!

"Meme,Meme hey are ok dude?"Socks asks when I snap out of my deep thoughts i start to blush

"Huh?"I say while looking away all flustered everyone looks at the two of us Nadwe and Muffin start smirking Ally looks a bit upset meanwhile blaza is laughing his ass off

"Why were you staring at Socks just a minute ago?"Tbh asks while smirking

"I-I wasn't staring a-at Socks!i w-was uhhhh just looking at that cute girl behind him haha"i laugh nervously

"You were looking at becky?"Laff
asked very britishly

"Y-yeah haha"I say still blushing and Socks looks at me confused making me blush even more

"Becky as in buck-tooth Becky?"Tbh say while he points at Becky

"Ok Meme just admit you were staring at me i mean i can't blame you just look at me"Socks says sounding very cocky

"I was not staring at you! I was staring at Becky becuz her uhhhh chest figure is really big"I say while looking away trying to stop blushing my cheeks were on fire at this point!

"I know right she may be buck-toothed but she has that nice chest figure"Tbh adds

*Ring Ring*

"Well thats the bell come on guys we should get to English class"Socks said as he got up and started walking meanwhile Dino,Muffin,Tbh and Laff had maths as everyone went to their classrooms Meme couldn't stop thinking about Socks so much that walk right to a wall and his nose stared to bleed

"Oh my god Meme are you ok?!"Nadwe screamed

"Ouch thats gotta hurt"Blaza said trying not laugh

"Let me take you to the nurse's office"Socks suggested Meme started to blush a bit

"No need he's my older brother(they are not brother irl) i'll take him plus there something i need talk to him about"Nadwe said as he grabs Meme's hand and takes him to the Nurse's office

"Socks where are Meme and Nadwe going?"Mr John ask

"Oh Meme hit his nose and Nadwe toke him to the Nurse Hailey's office"Socks told the mean teacher

"Ok,why are you still standing there sit your asses down!"he yelled

"Ok ok just chill dude sheesh"Ally says as she rolls her eyes meanwhile with Meme and Nadwe

"There you go all better now sweetie"nurse Hailey says as she pats Meme's head

"Thank you nurse Hailey"Meme says giving the friendly nurse a big smile

"Please,call me Hailey"she said as she gave Meme a lollipop

"Meme can i ask you somthing?"Nadwe said

"Sure what is it?"Meme ask with a confused look on his face

"Do you like Socks? because at lunch when you were staring at him you red as a tomatoe and i know you weren't staring at Becky with the big chest area"

"Ok i was staring at Socks but he's just so,so cute and handsome"Meme says while blushing a bit

"Well there's something you kinda need to know i heared from blaza that he is planning to ask either you or Ally to the dance next Saterday"Nadwe confessed

"Oh my gosh noway i hope he asks you"Hailey says sounding really excited for Meme both of them look at her

"Guys i'm litarly 5 feet away form you if you wanted some privacy you should have told me"She added

"Ok anyway what if he chooses Ally over me i mean it seems like he may have feelings for her"Meme said sadly

"If that happenes then we know he is a dumbass to not pick you"Nadwe said making Meme smile

"Hey wacting your language young man!"Hailey screamed

"Oh i'm so sorry"Nadwe squeaked

"Nad, we should get to class"Meme as he waved good bye to Nurse Hailey as they both leave the room she then calls someone on her phone

"Hey girl i have some juicy gossip for yea"she told her friend on the phone

~Socks's POV~

Ugh this class so boring heck even listening to Nadwe talk about ddlc all the time is more interesting then this class anyway should i ask Meme or Ally to the dance i know that Meme is pan and he likes boys so maybe i should ask him but he's my best friend and i can't like him,Ally is also pretty cute maybe i should go with her ugh why can't i just choose who i like more between the two of them i've liked Meme for 2 months now but i've been too scared to tell him how i feel but when Ally joined our group i kinda liked her immediately maybe i could ask Blaza what he thinks let me write him a note because last time Mr John caught me talking in his class he gave detention for 3 weeks he's such a son of a bitch but anyway let just some paper, Socks hands the note to Blaza

"Hey Blaza can i ask you somthing?"Socks's note

a few minutes later Meme and Nadwe walk into the classroom and Mr John tolded them to sit there asses down Meme sat next to Socks and Nadwe sat next to Becky yes buck tooth Becky,Blaza hands Socks the note

"about what is? Meme staring you at you and you pretending not to like it"

"Look i don't know if i should ask Meme or Ally to the Spring dance next Saterday so i was hoping to get your opinion"

"I'd say go with your heart i know your bi so why don't you and Meme just start dating already"

"I've already tried that captain obvious i like both of them"

"Ok well ask yourself who is the who you feel comfortable around"

"Thx Blaza i know now who to ask i'm gonna ask Ally"

"What? I thought you'd pick Meme "

"The thing is idk if he likes me,Ally on the other hand"

"Dude you know your madly in love with Meme"

"You heared him earlier he likes Becky just because of her big boobs "

"Dude He likes you he only said that he liked Becky because he didn't want you to know that he was staring at you because he probably doesn't wanna make you uncomfortable"

"Ok ok i'll think it through thank you Blaza"

Word count:1150

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