"Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?" Clover asks

"You know what? Screw this. Come on, let's go." Mitch says standing up

"Hey, pussies!" Demetri shouts, Clover's jaw drops

"This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're an asshole too. So are you." Demetri continues.

" I ain't no asshole." Chris mutters

"So was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, run by the king of all assholes. So if by merging with Eagle Fang Weird name, by the way. can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it.I'm sorry for all the "assholes".

I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but it's an emotional time." Demetri says, Clover was proud of him for speaking up. Mitch and Bert sit back down.

"Now... where do we start" Demetri says, handing it over to Sam and Miguel.

We all move to the LaRusso's dinning room, going over of what to do.

"We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do.

But deadlocked on a new name, Gi Design, Post-Training Snacks, and Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol. Okay, not good, but still, it's a start." Demetri says, going down the list

"Aw, I think your cat wants to come in. Here, kitty, kitty." Bert says, walking out

"I didn't know you had a cat." Clover says, confused

"We don't." Sam says, all of a sudden Bert is thrown through the window

"Bert, what happened?"Miguel asks, panicked

" No cat." Is all Bert said. One by one Cobra Kai walks into the room. Oh here we go.

"It's payback time, Rhea" Kyler says,l. They try backing away. The door opened, Tory and a few other Cobras walk in. Clover spots Doug but tries to keep her cool.

"Heard you were through a party, hope you don't mind if we crash" Tory says

"Tory, you don't have to do this" Miguel says

"It's too late. This ends tonight" Tory says,

"No mercy!" Tory shouts, everyone get's into fighting positions.

Kyler goes for Clover first, but she was prepared. She defends every move and is going onto offence, kicking him down only for another to come her way, trying her best to fight him off. Demetri and Clover were trying to fight off Doug another cobra but were failing at it. Clover was slowly getting tired but adrenaline kept her up. Doug had grabbed Clover's arm, going on about free shot, the other starts punching her. Demetri trying to fight them off her

"Hey, yo Hawk free shot" Doug says, Clover looks up and over at Hawk, he looked angry Clover knew it was over for her. He started running up, Clover closed her eyes and just waited for impacted only to be felt being let go of. Clover felt like falling, Demetri held her up.

"Look man, I'm sorry. For all of it, I'm sorry Clover. Do you want to help me win this thing" Hawk asks the two, feeling a little more confident Clover stands up on her own and is ready to go again. The three work together to beat the cobras that came their way.

"Miguel" Clover said, once she saw Miguel getting beat by Kyler but sees him come out of it and beat the crap out of him.

"Yeah Miguel" Clover cheered, then going to beat the cobra that had walked up to her

"Hiya" Clover said, flipping over and kicking him on the ground.

"Ok, I get the flipping around now" Clover laughs, groans in pain from the pain in her ribs.

That night Miguel, Clover and Miles were with Carmen as she noticed the 3 of them injured, aiding them immidiately. Clover hears Carmen open the door

"Carmen I- what's wrong" Clover hears the voice of Mr. Lawrence. Carmen opens the door further to reveal Miguel, Miles and Clover beaten.

"What happened?" Mr. Lawrence said angrily.

Later on Sam comes over explaining what is happening, the 4 kids run down to the strip mall to stop it.

"Dad!" Sam calls out, seeing blood on Mr LaRusso's shirt, blood all over Kreeses face.

"Keep your Cobra Kai's away from our kids" Mr LaRusso says.

"It's a free country" Kreese says, standing up straight

"Not for you, Cobra kai's gotta go... for good" Mr Lawrence says

"Why don't we settle this the old fashion way. Tournament. If we lose.. I go. If you lose" Kreese is cut off

"We won't lose" Mr Lawrence says. The kids walk towards their respective sensei. Clover then sees Robby walk out.

"Robby" She heard Mr Lawrence say

"Robby...." Clover says, looking at the boy. The two make eye contact, Robby looks down. Clover tries to walk towards him but he backs away avoiding her eyes. Hurt was shown in Clover's eyes

"Get out of here, all of you" Robby says, looking around at all of us.

"Come on son" Kreese says, Clover watches as her best friend walks away, no longer feeling wanted by her own best friend, the friend that was supposed to always be friends, cause they were friends before this whole karate thing. Clover storms off angrily, she walks straight into her apartment and into her room flopping onto the bed and crying.

The next day, everyone was in the yard of Miyagi Do, a new start Eagle Fang and Miyagi Do working together as one. The siblings greet each other, then Clover goes over to Demetri and Hawk, hugging the both of them tightly. We stand together and we bow, the two sensei's bow to each other. The kids happy to have resolved the conflict, for now at least.

"You ready?" Mr LaRusso asks

"Let's begin!" Mr Lawrence yells.

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