Chapter 33

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"Okay, let's do it again from the top. Keep going. Let's go. Come on, Chris. You know these moves." Mr LaRusso hypes

"Sorry, Mr. L, I'm just trying to keep up." Chris says, he sounded exhausted

"Did you like having your arm broken, Demetri? Because if you defend like that, you're gonna be right back in that cast before you know it." Mr LaRusso says, as was next to Demetri.

"Uh, okay, guys, let's, uh Let's take five. Yeah? There's iced tea and lemonade inside." Amanda says, everyone slowly starts to walk inside. A person from the All Valley committee came and told us the All Valley was cancelled.

Sam had told her that Robby had been realised from Juvie, Clover didn't know weather to contact him or what to do, if he even wanted to see her at this point in time.

Clover accidently arrived late at the committee meeting late, she quietly took a seat in the audience

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm retired Army Captain John Kreese." She heard Kreese say.

"Thank you for your service." The council person says

"It was an honor to serve. And I continue to serve right here in our community, by teaching our children strength and discipline through karate. I was devastated to hear about the cancellation of the tournament because of the fight at the high school. Why are my students being penalized because of the violence perpetrated by dojos like Miyagi-Do?" Kreese continues

"Now, wait just one minute." Mr LaRusso interrupts

"Mr.LaRusso, please. It's not your turn to speak." The councilperson tells him

"I apologize, Councilwoman Roberts. But this man" He is cut off

"Councilperson" Roberts." Kreese corrects

"Thank you, Captain Kreese. Please, continue." The councilperson grants

"I think my colleagues here would agree that all we want is the best for our students and our community.Cobra Kai's goal is to prepare the Valley's youth for the unfortunate realities of the real world.It's hard out there.I'm simply just preparing them to defend themselves." Kreese explains

"Councilperson Roberts, I'm sorry, but this guy is selling you a bad bill of goods.

Just a few weeks ago, my students were injured by a bunch of his Cobra Kais in an abandoned recreation facility." Mr LaRusso speaks up

"And who started that fight? If memory serves, your out-of-control daughter." Kreese brings up.

"Hey! You leave my daughter out of this, you piece of shit!" Amanda says, standing up, Clover smiles.

" Mom!" Sam explains

" Ma'am, please restrain yourself." The councilperson says

"It's funny that you say that, because I've had to file a restraining order against her for physically assaulting me." Kreese told the council person

"Assault? Are you kidding me?" Amanda says, outraged.

" Maybe I should make the call to the authorities? " Kreese says

"That won't be necessary. " The councilperson dismisses

" Ma'am." The guard says

"Hey, do not Do not touch me! Okay? I'm leaving.I'm leaving! Okay? But that man is a lunatic!" Amanda says, as she walks out

"Councilperson Roberts, I assure you that I am a positive influence to my students, and the hundreds of students before them." Kreese tries to reassure

"Horseshit! Your Honor, John Lawrence, Eagle Fang Karate. This man has poisoned the minds of his students. And I should know, I was one of them." Mr Lawrence speaks up

"Were we competitive? Sure. But it was all for good sport." Kreese says, trying to make it better

"This man is a thief and a liar! " Mr Lawrence points

"And he put a live cobra in my dealership!" Mr LaRusso exclaims

"Enough! Sit down. All of you.It is clear this karate tournament is causing division and rivalry in our community.You gentlemen have made an excellent case today as to why this tournament should not continue" The coucilperson says.

"Wait!" Clover heard, Miguel walks down the stairs. Miguel makes a movement with his hand at her and Clover gets up and follows him.

"My name is Miguel Diaz." Miguel says, once they both get to the podium

"I'm Clover Holland, we were both in the school fight." Clover says

"I was the one kicked off the second floor You know, uh I thought I was gonna be paralyzed. Clover was temporarily paralysed, I relearned how to stand. I relearned how to walk. And we want the tournament to continue.

"We are very happy for your recovery, young man and woman. But I'm afraid you don't understand" Coucilperson Roberts says, trying to dismiss the both of us

" Yes, they do." Sam says, getting up

"We're the ones getting hurt. We're the ones fighting. Our voices should matter most, you guys aren't the ones fighting we are. We make that decision every year if we want to put ourselves through, we do." Clover says

"And we want a place where we can compete, fairly and safely." Sam replies after me.

"When I first moved here, I was bullied. I realized there's no escaping it. There's always gonna be a kid who wants to steal your lunch money, or give you a wedgie, or give you a swirlie." Miguel speaks up

"A swirlie?" Coucilperosn Roberts says, confused

"When you dunk someone's head in the toilet and flush it. Pretty funny, actually." Mr Lawrence says, standing from his seat

"Sensei!" Miguel exclaim, he breaths in deeply

"Instead of burying your heads in the sand, pretending that bullying doesn't exist, or that you could get rid of it, what you need to do is teach kids how to defend themselves." Miguel says, after Mr Lawrence sits down

"Physically and mentally." Clover adds

"Because sometimes the scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most." Sam also adds on

"Karate is about discipline. It's about inner strength. It's about confidence. Lessons that you can use for the rest of your life. Look, I don't know where I would be today, or who I would be today, if it wasn't for my sensei. We don't need this tournament to do cool kicks or sell tickets, we need it to show the bullies of the world that we're not afraid. " Miguel tells them

"It's called the "All Valley" because it's for everyone, to give everyone the chance to show what they can do, to fight, to become a champion. And we deserve that chance." Clover continues

"To be honest, I don't get the Valley's fascination with karate.But if it means that much to all of you, and you're willing to sign waivers stating that the city is not liable, then the All Valley Under-18 Tournament is officially back on." Coucilperson Roberts says, giving in and bitting the gravel.

"Yes" Sam says, both Sam and Miguel hug each other. Miguel then hugging Clover then Clover and Sam. Excited about it being back on. Both Sam and Miguel go to Mr Lawrence and Mr LaRusso while Clover stood there. Her father couldn't make it as he had gotten a new job of trucking so he was barely around. Mr LaRusso offered his arm for Clover pulling her in to join the hug with Sam. Then Mr Lawrence did the same thing in support for the bubbly girl. 

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