Chapter 30: Wakey wakey

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I scoff, "That was me, NOT being an idiot."
I glance at him. "Damon this is the part where you look at Stefan and realize that you shouldn't be so damn impulsive."
I see Stefan smile proudly from the corner of my eye.

We all walk into a common room, Elijah stepping aside for us to stand in front of Klaus. 
"Ah hello love, Oh Damon, Stefan . . . . Elijah told me you were seeking an audience. VERY bold. Lets discuss the terms of out agreement, Like civilised men, Shall we?"

I clear my throat, and Klaus looks at me with a grin. "Oh and women."
I nod approvingly, before walking up to take a seat, Klaus pulls out a chair for me, and I gasp dramatically. "Oh my! people are being SO nice to me today."
Klaus chuckles, sitting down next to me.
Elijah comes and pulls out a chair on my other side, also making himself comfortable.

Stefan shrugs, also coming to sit down at the dining table.

Huh, isn't he meant to be bitchy? oh wait, he's just normal Stefan.

Damon grunts disapprovingly before trudging over and plopping himself down on a seat.
I smile at the woman who pours me wine, before looking at the men around me, all having a threatening aura. I just sigh, and set down my drink. 
Klaus sets down his fork. "Well isn't this NICE, the five of us, dining together."
He glances at Damon. "Is this what you had in mind, when you undaggered my brother?"

Damon gulps down a sip of wine. "Well yeah, I figured, the more, the merrier."
He exchanges an sneaky glance at Elijah, sending him a wink.

Huh, lucky I'm not in some yaoi, BL fanfic . . . this could have gone a WHOLE different way💀

Klaus glances at Elijah, putting the meat into his mouth. "well Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the centuries, But we always make it through."

I sigh loudly, setting down my fork, Klaus glances at me. I look around. "Look, as much as I enjoy this small talk, I would really like to get to the point before it's too late."
Klaus smiles, gesturing me to proceed. "Go on then love, tell us what you have to say."

"We are not meant to be a threat to each other, DAMON should know that after I made a deal with you, But Love does that right? It seems he's lost a few braincells in the process of falling in love." Stefan snorts as Damon and I glare at each other.
"Anyways, what I'm saying is, we should just go on our own way, get along just fine. You have Elena's blood, for your hybrids, and Stefan and Damon, can just  . . . do whatever they usually do. We give you back the coffin, and everyone's happy."

Klaus nods. "Yes, well tell that to THEM," he gestures to the brothers.
I glare at them, telling them to apologize. Damon just grunts.

I flop back into the chair, giving up. "Forget it, It's not like I want to live in peace or anything."

Elijah smiles at me and puts a hand on my leg comfortingly.




God, please get me out of this testosterone filled air.

Elijah looks up at Stefan, and I shove a piece of steak into my mouth, Klaus chuckles, bringing a napkin to my face to get rid of meat juice. I shoot him a thumbs up.

"Stefan, Where is the lovely Elena tonight?"
I smirk internally, waiting for the drama to arise.
Stefan's face hardens. "I don't know, ask Damon." he then aggressively sips wine.

Blood moon (a tvd fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ