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It's the final chapter! (do do do dooooo do do do do) This chapter left and then an epilogue to round it up nicely with 40 chapters :) Let's get straight to it!

-H x

A 'pop' from the toaster jolted me suddenly from humming along to the radio, completely in my own world thinking about the events of last night. I turned my attention to the cooling down bread, buttering it before taking a sip of my coffee. I couldn't sleep well, whether my mind was just overthinking, or the adrenaline and endorphins were stopping me sleeping I wasn't sure, but somehow I ended up in the kitchen at five am making myself breakfast.

It was nice, yet strange, being the first one up, the sun was just rising over the horizon casting beautiful warm hues of pink and orange streaming through the kitchen window. Yet, the entire manor still slept. I leaned against the counter, as I heard the familiar steps of someone coming down the staircase. Silently, I prayed it would be Mason; I wasn't ready for that conversation just yet with any of his family members.

I smiled as he slopped his way into the kitchen, his big feet clumsily dragging him to the marble island in the middle of the kitchen. He rested his head onto his elbows and gave me a look of confusion.

"Why on earth are you up at this time?" He asked, looking at me through groggy, half-open lids.

I shrugged, "I couldn't sleep."

Mason's face was etched with concern, "Why not? Are you ok?"

I smiled softly, "Yeah, don't worry, I think it was just a lot for my mind to process."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mason asked, switching the kettle on to make himself a cup of coffee.

I shook my head, "I don't think so. It was a good thing, I'm happy it happened and I don't regret it. It's just a big moment in my life and my brain can't really shut off right now."

I finished my toast and placed my plate in the dishwasher as Mason finished making his coffee. I tensed as I heard another set of footsteps descend the staircase. He must have caught the grimace on my face because he sent me an apologetic look.

"Hello you two, you're both up early, how co-"

Jane paused and cocked her head to the side, I watched as her nostrils flared slightly and her eyes began to light up. She clasped her hands together and I winced, ready to participate in the most awkward conversation one could have with her future mother-in-law.

"You completed the bond?" She squealed, a sound I had never heard come out of the fifty-something woman's mouth. She rushed over and grabbed me in a heart-stopping, crushing hug.

"Can't...breathe," I gasped.

"Oh I am sorry, I'm just so excited! I always knew this day would come, I just didn't know when. Can I start planning the commitment ceremony or is it too soon?"

"Mum," Mason held up his hand to stop her, "We only just discussed the ceremony last night. Chill out would you?"

"I'm sorry, no I know it's too soon! How did it happen?" She asked casually, propping her elbow onto the counter.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I sent a glance in Mason's direction. This was his mother and he could explain. I barely discussed sex with my own mother and I wasn't about to start discussing it with Jane either.

"Mum, come on," Mason sighed. "I'm not having this conversation with you. It just...happened ok?"

She sighed, "Well that's no fun. Don't tell me I'm going to have to wait for Ella to get a bit of excitement back in my life!"

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