A new begining.

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It was a normal day,the sun was shining there where clouds but not to many it was warm and overall a perfect day to be outside enjoying the world but yet you where stuck inside because ur parents wouldn't let you have an ounce of fun and the only time you left was when you had church. It was about 10:37 and you where looking outside just thinking about how nice it would be to be able to go out there and enjoy life when your thoughts where quickly enterupted by a loud banging coming from outside ur door with yelling "y/n are you getting ready for church it's in 2 hours and we have to help set up. So get ur lazy ass up and get ready." And with that you got up opend ur door to see a pissed off mom looking right back at you "look at you you look like you havnt showers in months"she then said.

That comment made your blood boil but you knew that if you said anything back ur dad would be running up the stairs ready to beat the ever living shit out of you. "Yes mom I know I'll start getting ready now" you said calmly. "Good you need to be ready by 11:45 so we can leave early to get there by 12:20." And with that she left. You walked back in ur room got a cute but causal outfit. Blue shorts and a light brown top with the words "stay calm" on it right above ur breasts. After that you walked out to the bath room and looked at ur self in the mirror, then you stripped off ur clothes and got the the hot shower making sure to wash ur hair and body to the best of ur ability. After about 20 minuets you got out got dressed then but light makeup on and did ur hair.

After you where done you went down stairs to see ur parents watching tv they then looked over at you with blanke faces they then got up told you to get ur shoes on then to meet them in the car in 5 minutes. You got ur shoes on then where out on ur way to the car got in then went on ur way to church wich is about a 30 minuet drive so you put us headphones on and started to listen to ghost wich was ur free therapy or ur parents you always wanted.

It's not like ur parents where always like this they used to be kinda caring listend when you had to talk to them but now there just cold ur mom is a stone cold two faced bitch who dosent care about you and even went as far as you blame you for ur little sisters death.

Ur dad however is kind of like a puppet if ur mom wanted him to beat the shit out of you he did. But when this happens you could tell there was a part of him to wanted to stop and care for you but was scared to because of ur mother. He gets 2 preasents on ur birthday. And ur birthday is in about 2 weeks and you've told him things you like so he knows what to get you when it comes you will be turning 26 (I might have to change the age I don't Remeber how old I made her) and you hope he gets you something that will make this birthday the best one yet. Your thoughts where then then where broken by the song that stared ur love with ghost Mary on a cross, even tho you kinda hated the song you never had the heart to skip past it.
633 words! Let me know if you like this chapter idk if I really like it but if I don't update a lot it's because school and things but don't think I forgot about this book so yeah just let me know if there's anything I can fix love you👋😻

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