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Hold me close,

And color me here,

Don't let go,

Don't let up

I missed you, forever and ever

Don't leave my side.

Hold me close,

Til the sun sets,

And be there when it rises,

It's been a while,

But I never forgot you

I know what happened,

But even as the sun flees

Beneath the faint horizon,

I never stop loving you,

As you do for me.

Hold me close,

So that your warmth becomes a memory,

So I remember your gaze,

And nostalgia overflows,

I missed you, forever and ever

How could I ever leave your side?

Keep me close,

And color me there,

Let go

But don't forget me.

I carry no anger,

No scars weighing me down,

A tranquility which triumphs,

 For I yearn the day we reunite.

Carry me close,

Fading memories in a vault,

Cloudy accidents of the mind,

Know it wasn't your fault.

When we meet, it'll be a beautiful thing,

Pain may linger, but don't give in.

Hug me close, so through my faint whispers you know,

That you have to let me go.

You need to let me go.

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