"guys i just talked to snow and she is fine, i don't know how but i told her not to give up and she answered me" i said dumbfound.

"that is because you are related to her, you have a special bond with her, if she lets her guard down i am sure you will be able to find her' boo said stepping into the bathroom.

well i'll be damned.


"we are coming for you snow don't give up" i heard in my head.

it was lulu's voice. how could i have heard that? i don't know whats going on but i responded to her with" i wont give up, tell ian i love him and i am fine" i said in my head.

i hope she heard me. i moved my legs trying to get up. i couldn't move my legs or my arms. then i saw that i was chained to a bed. i can't believe this crazy ass person did this to me, when ian comes he will be dead. i yanked on the chains trying with all my strength to brake them, but they wouldn't budge. i closed my eyes to try and use my powers, i could feel them but they were really week."uggh" i yelled in annoyance. why won't they work when i need them most.

"the drug i gave you will surpress your powers, so you can't use them" he said with an evil smirk on his face.

i jumped because i didn't know he was in the room with me.

"chace why are you doing this to me" i asked

he just stared at me saying nothing. chace walked around the bed, in one quick move he was on top of me. he pushed my legs aside so he was laying between them. all i felt was disgust.

chace grabbed my face kissing my lips hard, he ran his tongue against my lips wanting entry but i wouldn't open my mouth. since i wouldn't open my mouth he bit my bottom lip, when i gasped from the pain he stuck his tongue in my mouth twirling it around mine.

because i was chained there was nothing i could do about it. i felt so helpless at this moment.finally he released his torture on my lips. his hand went to my dress lifting it.

"please chace don't do this, I'm pregnant" i said scared of what he would do to me.

he acted as if he didn't hear me. chace continued up my thigh, i started to close my legs but i couldn't be cause they were chained. his hand brushed against my panties. he started to pull them down then he thought of a better idea and just ripped them off. tears were running down my face like waterfalls.

i knew what he was about to do to me and i had no control over it. he layed his hand on my thigh to push my legs open more, when he pulled his hand back . he got off of me shaking his hand back and forth trying to put out the fire on his hand.

i sighed in relief. my son was protecting us from being touched. i thanked god for my son. he was still inside of me and he was protecting me, his mother. i looked at my legs and there was a red tinted glow all over my body.

"how can you still protect yourself, the drug i gave you should have stopped you from using your power." he said annoyed that he couldn't touch me.

"it's not me, it my son" i said with and evil look on my face.

"how is a baby that has not been born yet do something like this" he asked pissed off

"i don't know, when i am in danger his fire phoenix can protect me" i said

"well i will just have to cut him out" he said grabbing a knife off the dresser

chace has really gone crazy, if he thinks he can get away with what he is doing. he walked over to me and tried to touch the knife to my stomach and it busted in to flames, setting his hand on fire again.

"FUCK!!!" he screamed "i will find away to have you, you will be mine. i don't care if i have to hide you until that little bastard is born. you will be MINE! DO YOU HEAR ME!" he said getting in my face.

he moved back when he felt the hot current over my body. i just smiled at him. chace was so pissed he started throwing everything around, tearing up the room. i couldn't help it i started laughing hard.

"you think this is funny? i came and stole you to make you fall in love with me. you are supposed to mine snow, not ian's MINE!" he yelled

"well if i was supposed to be with you, you would have been my mate, but you are not. i really hope you find her so you can get over this obsession you have over me, if you live" i smirked

"what do you mean if i live, are you threatening me bitch" he yelled

"did you forget i am a princess, ian is king of the fire phoenix, my father is king of all vampires and my mother a very respected angle. you got shit fucked up if you think for one second they are not searching for me. when they do find me, your going to get dead." i said with a smile on my face.

chace lost all the color from his face. i guess he didn't think through his little plan to steal me. he turned his back on me

" i just want to be with you snow, i love you" he said as he walked out of the door.

chace is a sick person, he once was a friend turned foe, i know once I'm found he will be dead. i kinda felt bad for him. but not that bad. i was so tired, i was about to close my eyes when a women walked in to the door.

she was older maybe in her early 30's, she had hair so red it look like it was on fire, tall, thin and piercing gold eyes. she walked to the bed and tried to touch me, until she felt the heat my son was giving off.

"so it's true, your baby can protect you." she said

"who are you" i asked

"I'm sia, and you and your little friends killed my husband. so I'm going to kill you" she said with a smile on her face.

"your the warlocks wife"

"yes, and chace will do what ever i tell him. he is under a spell, chace doesn't even know what he is doing" she said clapping her hand in a happy manor

"your husband tried to kill my family, they were only protecting me' i said

sia just looked at me with so much hate

"if he hadn't put a spell for me not to move, i would have killed you all that night. but once he was dead i was out numbered and i vowed to have my revenge for his death."

"you don't have to do this please, your all going to die if you don't let me go. i don't want anyone to be hurt anymore. all of this needs to stop.i said

just then i felt ian pushing my mind link to open then i heard him.

baby i know where you are and I'm on my way

hurry please

i will baby i love you

love you to ian

i snapped back to reality with sia yelling for me to listen to her. i looked in her direction.

"your out of time, they know where i am" i said with a smirk on my face

"your lying, they have no idea where you are you lying girl" she yelled

soon as the word left her mouth chace came running in the room.

"we are surrounded, they are all here." he said scared

"who are you talking about boy" sia yelled to him

"the king" he said

i looked at both of them and laid back down

"told ya they were coming' i said***********




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