She cursed her fate.

"The one time I'm happy..... This happens!" - Penelope

"What am I going to do?!" - Penelope

She dashed towards the window and knelt, clasping her hands together.

"Oh Dear Gods! Please help me!" -  Penelope

Just then Reynold came into the room.

She then whisper yelled at the sky.

"I told you to help me! Why is he here?!" - Penelope 

He grasped her hand and dragged her out of her chambers

"Hey! Let me go!" - Penelope

"We're questioning Albert! The main topic needs to be there!" - Reynold

'I'm done for! Once Albert tells them the truth, I'll be damned!' - Penelope

Reynold threw open the doors to the living room where Albert was being interrogated.

He pushed Penelope inside before walking in.

Penelope hesitantly shuffled towards the center, where the Duke and Derrick stood.

"Albert, you have worked for the Duchy for years. So, I'll ask this nicely. Did Penelope ask you to take her somewhere today?" - Duke

Albert glanced at Penelope before speaking. 

"She did not, Your Grace." - Albert

The Duke turned his gaze away from him and to Jenna.

"I! I'm telling the truth! I saw her climbing the carriage!" - Jenna

"Your Grace. It is a very hot summer day. Do you think that the lady is cruel enough to make an old man like me work on such a hot day?" - Albert

The Duke hummed in understanding.

"Your Grace, perhaps Maid Jenna is tired due to working for such a long time on a hot day. I have heard that the heat can play tricks on you. It can make you see things. I think what she requires is some rest. The poor girl is so tired that she's hallucinating." - Albert

The Duke and the servants present looked at Jenna pitifully.

"No-! I really saw! I did! I-!" - Jenna

"Pennel, escort Jenna to the maid's quarters. I do not want one of our loyal servants to be left untreated." - Duke

"Yes, Your Grace." - Pennel

"Your Grace! I really saw her! Your Gra-!" - Jenna

Her voice muffled as the door shut behind her.

Penelope let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Derrick glanced at her suspiciously but said nothing.

"Thank you, Albert. You may take your leave." - Duke

"I'm glad I could help." - Albert

He walked out but not before shooting Penelope a wink, that no one save for the latter saw.

She smiled at him gratefully.

"All this ruckus over nothing. I cannot believe we falsely accused Penelope of doing something over the words of a maid. I'm sorry Penelope." - Duke

"It is quite alright, Your Grace. Any sane person would believe the words of a maid over mine." - Penelope

"Penelo-" - Duke

"Then, I shall take my leave. I am quite tired." - Penelope

She walked out of the living room, Emily in tow.

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