"So what is it like?" Kazuto said. "Living in Academy City?"

"It has it's nice moments.." said Mikoto. "Then... it.. well.. it has it's very dark moments too.. if you knew half the terrible stuff that I've encountered here... just be on your guard, with the stuff we've been through, I don't doubt there'll be jerks wanting to experiment with our brains.."

"This place really is that wild then.." said Kirito.

"So.." Mikoto took a deep breath as she prepared herself to ask the question that she most wanted to ask. "How's... Asuna?"

Kirito's gaze dimmed. "She's okay... there's been no change in her vital signs... but.. I plan on visiting her later today. Want to come?"

"Yeah... sure.." said Mikoto. "I was thinking of buying flowers for her room..."

Everyone had thought that the nightmare of Sword Art Online was over.. but.. it really only partially ended.. several hundred players never woke up like the others.. and among them was Asuna Yuuki... Kirito's girlfriend, and in game wife.. as well as Mikoto's close friend..

She lay in Academy City's high tech hospital, with that Nerve Gear on her head, still sleeping.. trapped who knew where in the VR world..

The sad thoughts of Asuna were interrupted by a finger poking Mikoto in the cheek.

"Oh Miiiiisaaaaakaaaa!!!" Ruiko Saten gave Mikoto a cheery wave, her black hair fluttering slightly in the breeze, next to her.. was Kazari Uiharu, a shy looking girl with short hair filled with flowers.

"Oh hey you two!" said Mikoto. "I already ordered drinks for you guys, if that's alright."

"Well no problem with that!" said Saten with a wink. "You always know what we want after all.. oh, hello Kirigaya!"

"Hey there Saten, Uiharu." said Kazuto. "It's great to see you two again.."

"K-Kirigaya-san...." Uiharu went red and bowed. "H-hi.."

Mikoto smirked. Uiharu had a major crush on Kazuto, even if she knew Kazuto wouldn't date Uiharu, it was still rather cute.

"So.. I thought you two should hear the big news.. Kuroko already knows by the way.." said Saten. "Uiharu is taking Kendo class!!"

"What?" said Kazuto. "That's great!"

"I-I thought it would be good to learn to defend myself.. so maybe Judgement would let me go out into the field." said Uiharu.

'Wouldn't judo be more suited for that?" said Kazuto. "I mean it's not like Judgement carries swords with them all the time.."

Judgement was a volunteer organization in Academy City, mostly comprised of espers and other students, like a volunteer police force, charged with upholding the law in Academy City. Mikoto's best friend Kuroko Shirai, and Kazari Uiharu were both part of this organization.

"W-well.. I thought.. that since K-Kirigaya-san's sister was so good with Kendo.." said Uiharu.

"That's right.. Suguha is going to try out for regionals this month." said Kazuto. "Well she'll be glad to hear that you're taking Kendo.. I'll ask if she can give you some tips.."

"K-Kirigaya is too kind.." Uiharu whispered to herself as her face turned the color of a fire truck.

Mikoto had never actually met Kazuto's cousin, who was also his adopted sister.. yet Kazuto had told her plenty about her..

"I'd love you two to meet some day, you'd be good friends.." Kazuto would say.

But due to the large amount therapy Mikoto had to go through recently, it had been hard to find the time..

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