'Is this alright? He has been drinking even more lately.' Amane walk towards Kagaya. 'I couldn't do anything about it, just let him be, I'm sure he would stop drinking at some time.' Kagaya said while looking at Yorimichi worriedly. They left the Tsugikuni mansion after seeing Yorimichi settled down.

Kyojurou: How much did you drink?

Yorimichi: About 12 bottles of sake everyday...I couldn't remember, on some days I went to the bar at midnight.

Sanemi: What?!

Shinobu: Yuuji you shouldn't drink so much, it's bad for your body.

Yorimichi: Don't worry, I didn't drink so much after that day, I wonder what happened that made me stop drinking.

Y/n: You will know soon.

Yorimichi: 'Its weird, I was suppose to keep the act for my further plans...'

A few hours later

'*knock* Yorimichi-sama it's time to eat.' The kakushi was standing outside of the door waiting for response, hearing no response he knocked the door again, 'Yorimichi-sama? Are you still sleeping?' He waited outside of the door for a few minutes before he heard a grumpy voice, 'Get lost...' The kakushi didn't go away immediately  but was still standing replying him, 'I see you're awake, I'll be putting your meal here, pls eat it later, you have not been eating for breakfast and lunch, its unhealthy for your body, so pls make sure to eat it later.' 'I said get lost.' 'Then I shall take my leave now, pls make sure to eat your meal Yorimichi-sama.' The kakushi left the Tsugikuni mansion after leaving the food there.

Shinobu: That was rude, you shouldn't have said that.

Uzui: I feel sad for the kakushi.

Yorimichi: Sry about that, I was just in a bad mood that day.

It was predictable that the kakushi was not scared of him, as he have been taking care of Yorimichi for years, he have to admit that sometimes Yorimichi is rude but he knew that he was a kind person by the way he cares for others, he always ask about the news of the demon slayer corps and remembered all the missions the demon slayers did. The kakushi was actually very scared on the first day he serve Yorimichi, he was grumpy and always drinking, from the way Kagaya talk to him, he can observe that he was not like that last time. Slowly, he got used to Yorimichi's temper, Yorimichi always say things like 'get lost', 'get out of my sight', 'annoying piece of shit', but he did not care about the things he said and still continue to serve him. 

All eyes were at Yorimichi when the saw that.

Yorimichi: Sry.

Zenitsu: How can you even remember all the missions the demon slayers have gone?!

Yorimichi: I was just curious about what is happening in the demon slayer corps, and by seeing the location many demon slayers have died, you can actually know that if its a high rank demon, so I will recommend Kagaya to send stronger demon slayers there, I can normally figure out if its the same demon that have been killing the humans there by knowing the way they kill, and figuring that out I can easily locate where the demon is, so Kagaya could send the perfect demon slayer to kill the demon.

Mitsuri: Wow that's a lot of things to do.

Obanai: I agree with Mitsuri, I actually thought that you were just drinking and causing trouble everyday.

Yorimichi: Ah...I created a lot of troubles back then, I actually didn't have choice....

Kyojurou: What do you meant by no choice?

Yorimichi: Ummm....they'll probably show it on the screen later, but for your information it was just an act for a plan, it better if you not know it.

Urokodaki: Why so?

Yorimichi: I was kinda crazy that time, its better if you'll don't see what I did.

All: 'I wonder what he did?'

Kagaya have met him before he serve Yorimichi and Kagaya gave him some advice. 'You don't have to care what he say, you just have to make sure he eats his food, I will assure you that he will not hurt you, he's not like what you see now, he is a kind person, you don't have to fear him, pls treat him like a normal person.' That was all Kagaya said to him, it was weird that a crazy person was still called kind.

Yorimichi pov:

'*sigh*My head hurts...I shouldn't have drink that much.' 

The food today seems great. I think I shouldn't be too harsh to him just now, I wonder why he is still serving me until now.

'*nom**nom* Taste good.'

'Hm?' Am I seeing things? Is that a kid? There shouldn't be kids here, this place is hidden, other than the Ubayashiki's no one should know this place. I think I should go check on that kid.

Y/n: And it stops here!

Mitsuri: Awww...I wanted to see what happen next.

Y/n: Its alright you can see it after the break.

Uzui: I wonder whose the kid tho.

Mitsuri: Yes I'm curious too!

Sanemi: Oi! Brat! Who did you see?

Yorimichi: Someone you know, my successor.

Kyojurou: Oh? A successor? That's great more people is learning the sun breathing, I wonder who is the chosen one.

Yorimichi: I wonder too~ 

A smirk could be seen on Yorimichi's face while he look towards Kanao.

Konnichiwa - Hi

Haha/Hahaue - Mother

Otou-san/tou-san - Dad

Chichi/Chichiue - Father

Okaa-san/kaa-san - Mom

Onee-san/nee-san - Big sis

Onii-san/nii-san - Big bro

Aniki - Big brother

Aniue - Big brother (more respectful way of saying big bro)

Hai - Yes or understood (people who watches anime should know by now)

Kawaii - cute (i don't think i have to explain this word, but just incase someone still doesn't know the meaning, but i think they should at least know this)

I'm so so so sry if this story is doesn't make sense, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, this is just my au. I have changed a bit the characteristics of the characters. You guys can give me some of your ideas if you want and I will improve on it. Once again sry if its too bad.

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