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The company who brought Scillonian II was P&A Campbell. She was then renamed Devonia joining Balmoral. The first season (or voyage I think) Devonia deputised for Balmoral on the English channel and ran on the Thames (I hope she passed Big Ben, then she be based) still in her same colours as before (the one they used on Scillonian II yet it still is Scillonian II just with a different name). The company hoped to use her freight capacity to serve Lundy Island in Bristol. On the channel. Work was then taken by the Oldenburg, which sounds German. Yes. German. So did it work? Pfft. No. Over the winter of 1977-1978 Devonia was used for oil work (USA be coming to kidnap her soon). It was a rig oil ferry. Which was used at Loch Kishorn. Before returning at Bristol in April.

Her Scillonian colours were changed to Campbell ones. Which actually, looks cool. She was then layed in Bristol in late 1978. P&A Campbell then ceased all operations on her in 1980 probably like 'ah shit what do we even use her for now'. Then lonely 2 years she was 'acquired' yet, probably sold again to Torbay Seaways.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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