Giyuu: Kocho you know what I meant, how old is the child?

Shinobu: Why should should I tell you!

Giyuu: *sigh* Kocho...its not time for this, it is obvious that the child is mine!

Shinobu: The child is not yours, it'll never be...why...why must you know it now...

Shinobu started crying.

Giyuu: I'm sorry for not knowing it earlier.

Tomioka said while pulling her into a hug.

Shinobu: *sob* Why...why must you know it now, I tried so hard to hid him from others...

Tomioka: You don't need to hide him, you could have told me, I would accept him, it was all my fault.

Shinobu: People would know, it would ruin your reputation. *sniff*

Tomioka: Its alright Kocho, I don't mind, all I need is you, I love you, always, I'm sorry for not being there for you when your in trouble. It must be tough for you taking care of the child alone.

Shinobu: *sniff* It's alright, it was just a accident, I don't blame you, Yuuji have been taking care of the child since he was one, the other child he was taking care was my sister's daughter.

Tomioka: Wait- Yuuji- Kanae's daughter?

Shinobu: mhm... she's Sanemi and nee-san's daughter, master let Yuuji to take care of them, I have been visiting Giichi on my off days. I only knew that Kanna is nee-san's daughter a few days ago, because Sanemi always take her out on his off days, so I didn't get to see her.

Tomioka: mhm...Kocho...

Shinobu: Hm? 

Tomioka: I'm sorry for not knowing it earlier... I'm sorry for not giving you and Giichi a proper family.

Shinobu: It's alright. I'm sure Giichi would understand also.

(sry for the drama)

In the theatre 

Yorimichi: 'They are taking to long' 

Yorimichi thought while frowning, he stood up and walk towards the washroom door.

Yorimichi: *knock* *knock* Both of you are taking too long! We're waiting!

Hearing that Giyuu and Shinobu start tidying themselves and open the door, they walked out of the washroom back to they're seats.

Y/n: it all settled...

Shinobu nodded her head, and drink the matcha given to them.

Mitsuri: 'Shinobu-chan's eyes are red, did she cry...'

Uzui: So...what's going on with both of you?

Muichiro: Are you guys together?

Shinobu: pfff- *cough*

Giyuu: *cough* *cough*

Shinobu spat out the matcha, while Giyuu choked on the matcha.

Shinobu: N-no!

Obanai: Don't act dumb Kocho, its obvious that there is something going on with you two.

Uzui: Yeah, you know I have good hearing right!

Shinobu: Huh? She widened her eyes in shock, 'Does that mean he...' She turned and look towards him.

Uzui: *mouthed out* I heard everything.

Giyuu: *saw it* 'Shit!'

Yorimichi: Zenitsu have good hearing're exposed.

Giyuu: *facepalms* hahh...why did I forget about them.

Mitsuri slowly understand what is happening and gasped in shock.

Mitsuri: Is this true Shinobu-chan! Both of you are together?!

Aoi: Shinobu-sama is this true?

Muichiro: I would assume that it is true.

For a moment Shinobu didn't know how to respond. She started to remember all the things Giyuu told her, and she turned to look at him. Giyuu gave her a small smile to support her.

Shinobu: *sigh* Yes...we are together...

Hashiras: .....

Kyojurou: Wait so its real?!

Muichiro: Oh....I'm right about it...

Kanao: Master you and the water pillar is together?

Shinobu: Yes Kanao, and pls call me nee-san.

Kanao: Okay ma- nee-san...

Zenitsu: Eeeeeeehhhh!!!! That emo guy have a wife!!!!

Yorimichi: No they're not married yet, stop shouting you will wake Nezuko up.

Zenitsu: H-hai 'B-but they have a child...'

Mitsuri: Kyaaaaa!!!! I'm so happy you guys are together!!! But why didn't you tell us?

Shinobu: umm...

Giyuu: I told her not to, we're not ready to tell everyone yet.

Sanemi: 'I see, he knew about Giichi already. Tch! I would have killed him long ago if he's not Giichi's father'

Here's their age:

Tanjirou(15) Kanao(16) Zenitsu(16) Inosuke(15) Aoi(16) Nezuko(14) Muichirou(14) Genya(16) Giyuu(23) Shinobu(20) Kyojurou(21) Uzui(24) Obanai(22) Mitsuri(21) Sanemi(23) Gyomei(28) 

Yuuki(15) Yuuri(14) Kanna(7) Giichi(5)

Kagaya(25) Amane(28) Hinaki, Nichika, Kiriya, Kuina and Kanata they are all eight, they are quintuplet, it was mentioned in the story, for the others is my au.

Uzui: Shinobu, there's something else you're still hidding, why so scared about telling it.

Shinobu: I don't think I'm ready to tell yet.

Uzui: can tell us whenever you want.

Mitsuri: 'What are they talking about?'

Obanai: 'Uzui probably heard something when they are in the washroom, I'm going to ask him later.'

Y/n: Ehem! Let's continue with the reaction.

Everyone: Alright.

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