Bad Acting (SMUT)

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"Hey Y/N, uhhh-"

Wardlow sounding nervous? What was wrong now? 

I was getting ready for his match because recently, Sammy Guevara was trying to come after the TNT title, AGAIN, and that pest Tay Conti kept on trying to interfere in their recent match. I was ending that tonight. But the tone of Wardlow's voice showed there was something more.

"Yes?" I turned around in my chair to face him, the seriousness was real:

"So, we're becoming a couple tonight after the match."

"Wha-" I choked on my words. Did he just say a COUPLE?! Does that mean-:

"After you take care of Tay, I'm going to murder Guevara, of course. And while leaving, we're going to announce the new relationship by kissing."

I needed someone to check my heart rate before I had a heart attack and collapsed. One thing I was good at was hiding my feels and when it came to Wardlow? Didn't mind kissing him in the slightest. I had the biggest crush on him, but like this? 

Never did I expect things to go like this, really having to play cool when he looked down at me, seeing that I was a bit puzzled:

"If you're not okay with it, we can go talk to Tony or something."

"No, it's okay," I tried to smile, turning back around to finish my hair, "Someone has to shut up Tay and Sammy, am I right?"

"They won't wanna mess with us after this," Wardlow smiled back, offering a fist bump that I returned.

I wasn't going to be out there during the entire match, not till Tay shows her face and in the meantime? I was near the guerrilla, pacing like all hell. Trying to play this out in my head like how were we going to kiss? Should I make it hot? What if Wardlow finds out that I actually like him.

Swimming in thoughts, it was nice to be put back into reality and get my hands dirty. Right as Wardlow was about to power bomb Sammy, Tay ran out there, distracting the referee and Sammy was gouging at Wardlow's eyes.

Running down there, I hurried to yank Tay off of the apron, kicking her so hard that she went head first into the steel steps, then I picked her up and threw her into the other set, taking her out for good.

In the ring, the referee was trying to check on Wardlow and my eye spotted Sammy in the corner with the TNT title. Wasn't sure where he was going with this, but  not like it matter. Wardlow has a code word for when we trained together, sending it out so he knew to keep the referee's back turned a little longer, running up on the apron and yanking the title from Sammy, then smacking him in the face with it.

The time was perfect, right as I dropped to the ground, hiding the TNT title, the referee let Wardlow go and here came the powerbombs. Sammy never stood a chance against Wardlow when it came to pure strength, Wardlow stepping on his chest to get the pin.

Watch Tay get up on her feet with a limp, I called for Wardlow at the end of the rampway, presenting his title to him and yelling at Tay:

"Better luck never, bitch!"

Wardlow was laughing at how fired up I was and when Tay was picking Sammy up off of the mat, both of their eyes set on us, this was our moment, starting off with another yell at Tay:

"You guys think you're the hottest couple? That you're the shit?!"

Laughing at them more, I jumped right up into Wardlow's arms, even with all of the anxiety, holding his face and kissing him. 

My kiss was far from a fake one, the crowds noise toned out in my mind for a moment, taking the time to kiss him with everything in me, really giving them all something to watch when I swirled my tongue in.

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