The Last Laugh (SMUT)

Start from the beginning

I was on my way to my locker room and finally, I felt good energy as I passed MJF and Wardlow, Max approaching me with a smile as he said, "Y/N!"

"Maxwell," I smirked, fist bumping Max as he approached me.

"All I can say is Y/N, what a way to kick of Dynamite!" Max laughed, recalling what I said to Kenny earlier.

"Silly Omega," I laughed, "I always have to put him in his place."

"You did a great job doing that," Wardlow smirked, winking to me.

"You were almost as good as me out there," Max smirked, "Almost!" 

Of course, Max could never put anyone above himself, which made me laugh while also rolling my eyes.

"That means a lot coming from you, Max," I sighed, "I'll see you around."

MJF and Wardlow went along their way and I continued to my locker room, ready to pack, but something was off. I locked my locker room door before my promo at the beginning of the night and it was unlocked. 

"Weird," I whispered, holding the door shut as I twisted the knob.

That suspicion grew as I slowly opened the door to find half of the lights off. I stepped in cautiously, shutting the door silently as I stood against it.

I was surprised at first, looking to see a familiar figure sitting in a chair towards the back of the room, his back facing me.

"It's about time you came in here," Kenny sighed, his head falling back.

"Aww, you missed me that much?" I giggled, trying to mess with him again.

Kenny looked back to me briefly, completely disregarding my question as he looked towards the wall in front of him, saying, "You miss the old me, don't you, Y/N?" 

I didn't respond to Kenny as I took a few steps forward, just listening as he added, "He's not gone. He's just locked away."

"Wait, let me guess," I gasped, "I let him out, didn't I?"

I was so used to being a smartass and pushing Kenny around, but I froze, cutting that attitude as Kenny stood up straight, his head turning and as our eyes met, I could feel a difference, a different energy.

Kenny looked to the floor as he walked to me slowly, then he stopped right in front of me, towering over me, my eyes meeting his heated gaze as he whispered, "You told me to find you. So, I did."

For once, I had nothing to say and Kenny probably wasn't going to let me say anything as his head fell, his lips meeting mine. 

Every time Kenny and I crossed paths, it resulted in some sort of fight and this one was a lot different. Even I could still feel the all of the hate we had for each other his kiss was so good and I couldn't resist.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, our bodies coming together like two magnets, both of Kenny's hands taking a handful of my ass.

"Kenneth," I chuckled, my sass coming back to me, "You haven't even taken me out on a date yet."

I pressed my lips against his hard, but ended up moaning against them salaciously as Kenny planted a hard smack on my ass. I could feel my ass tingling, still moaning a bit as Kenny began to rub it afterwards.

"You don't know when to shut up, do you?" Kenny chuckled.

Although this dominant mood of Kenny's really gave me a such a rush, my dominance came back. That was always what our fights were about, dominance, and I made sure mine was shown as I kissed him hard, grabbing him by the shirt and pressing him against the wall to my right.

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