"Fine. I blame you." Chase pointed at me getting all aggressive.

Gert nodded. "You didn't come to the funeral!" she said, sounding annoyed and angry with me. This was going to end badly.

"Everyone grieves in their own way." Katie stuck up for me. She still trusted me even though I didn't go to the funeral.

"At funerals with their friends." Chase said.

"Yeah, who would ever do that, not show up when a friend is expecting them?" Gert and Chase were ganging up on me and I couldn't stop them.

"I'm just saying, Wilder not showing up was the first crack in the wall." Chase blamed it on me as I glanced back at Katie noticing her annoyed, bitter face.

"That wall was always coming down. We were friends because our parents were friends. We were just kids." Karolina's optimism payed off. Katie and I looked at her with thankful eyes.

"We were always gonna grow apart." Molly joined in.

"Plus, it's kind of hard to stay friends with someone when all they care about is being the perfect church girl." Gert brung up the church thing again. Katie and Karolina were pissed.

"Better than the insufferable social justice warrior." Katie said although she still was a tiny bit friendly towards Gert.

"Or a dumb jock." Gert said aiming the her ammo at Chase.

"Yeah, or Molly. I've got nothing against you. You're really nice." Chase looked at Molly then towards Katies direction as she giggled at the comment. Chase and Katie smiled at eachother.

"What about me?" Nico peeped up again.

"Nico." I warned her. This wasn't going to end well.

"Whatever I am now, it's not Amy. Sorry to let you all down." Nico said in a depressed way.

"What? No, come on."

"Nobody's thinking that.

"Great party, Alex. Thanks for all the pizza and sadness." Chase said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, for once I agree with Chase." Gert agreed with Chase's last comment.

"What are we doing here? We'd all moved on."

"We were doing fine." I new everyone didn't want to be here in the first time, this was going to happen no matter what.

"No, none of us is fine, and I, for one, am sick of pretending that I am." Karolina was telling the truth. None of us were fine. We were all sick of pretending we were someone we are not.

"We need to sit together and talk this through." Katie whispered. Everyone would listen to Katie. Everyone would listen to what she had to say.

"Fine." Everyone agreed which put a smile to my face.

"Then I'm gonna need some alcohol." When Chase said that, my smile fell. He got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Chase started to make his way towards the kitchen. Katie followed him. This made me twitch with annoyance.

Katie's POV

"What? Hey Where are you going?" Alex asked us.

"As I recall, your dad keeps a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle's in his study. Katie and I've been sipping on it since We were 13."

Alex gave me a 'seriously' look.

"I only had a little bit!" I defensively said.

"Yeah, but they're in there now, having their meeting!" We all made for the kitchen. Chase a little faster than Alex and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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