"Hey Gert." i smiled at her.

"Oh hey..." Gert said with an obvious fake smile. She pushed up her glasses but that just made it fall back down her face.

"What's up!" i still smiled at her.

"Oh nothing much just handing out fliers that will be put in the bin after..." Gert trailed. "Want a flier?"

"Sure!" i took a flier. We stood there for a while, not talking. "Anyways... bye Gert!"

"Bye...Oh and don't forget to join my new club!"

"Will do!"

Striding towards the doors, I saw Alex. He leaned on a wall while talking to someone on his phone.

"Besides they're teenagers" Alex said to the person on the other end. I walked towards him as he saw me. He waved to me. I blushed slightly as I waved back.

"Hey nerd, what's up?" I said looking up slightly to see his face.

"I just called my mum, I'm thinking of uniting the gang together again." Alex said to me with a smile.

At this I started laughing. Was he serious? Did he not understand we would just start arguing. I look back up at him, his smile faded into more of a frown. He was serious. He wasn't joking.

"Your joking right?" Putting back my straight face back on. "Alex the group disbanded! All we do now is argue."

"Look Katie you are the only person in the group that talks to everyone, you are the reason why we all are a tiny bit more friendly than we should be" Alex was begging I saw it in his eyes. He wanted it to be like old times when we played games and joked with each other.


"Please Katie, for me?" I can't say no. He has pulled his puppy eyes.

"How can I help."


Gert was doing one of her speeches in the school assembly. She normally takes over every two weeks. The teachers always take it as an opportunity to relax and go with it so they themselves don't have to do the talking.

"Tonight, another becomes eternal. We hear so much lip service about women's empowerment, as if women aren't already powerful, but, I mean, do you ever hear anyone talking about masculine authority? Of course not! Because it's already baked into the concept, am I right? My point is that the system needs to be dismantled, which is why I'm starting a new club on campus, undermining the patriarchy."

Gert made her speech same as usual. No one was listening. Except me, I didn't want to be rude. I glanced at Alex, who was checking out his nails. He was going to ask the group to reunite after the assembly using me as the bait. It was that original. I didn't really want to get involved but I thought it would be fun to have it like old times. I looked around glancing behind me. I met eyes with an annoying guy staring at me. It was Brandon. He was dribbling. I gagged and turned round swiftly, Alex must have noticed because he was looking straight at me questioning what I was doing instead of listening to Gerts speech about her new club. I shrugged and pointed my thumb behind me. Alex looked at Brandon with a mixed of disgust a dislike in his eyes.

I looked around the room, bored. I glanced back at Alex again. Instead of checking his nails or pretending to listen to Gerts speech, he was looking at Nico. Nico, the girl who lost her sister two years ago. I felt sorry for Nico. She had strict parents. She didn't have anyone other than us and Amy. When Amy died and our group disbanded, she was lonely. She became an emo and us all out. I think when Nico lost Amy, we all became lost ourselves.

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