July 19th

163 6 4

A/N: Hiya guys, here's chapter 2 of this series! I'm so glad you're all enjoying it because I am too hehe, this chapter isn't as long as I thought it'd be but I think it's a good length 😅. I decided to upload this a little earlier than planned since the muses are cooperating with me 😂! I hope you all enjoy~!

Warnings: Pregnancy, Mentions of Labor.


Gauche quickly ran down the hall, his heart beating wildly in his chest as he searched and searched for the right room.

He had been out on a mission with Asta and Magna when Vanessa suddenly called him and told him he needed to get back to the base as soon as possible. When asked what was wrong Vanessa had hesitated for a moment before finally telling him what was wrong.

Grey had gone into labor.

Gauche had been surprised, from what he and Grey had been told by Owen the baby wasn't due for another 3 weeks! But he did recall Owen telling them that babies tended to arrive when they wanted to, and it was usually when the parents least expected it.

After he had heard Vanessa's words he made his broom fly much much faster than it had ever flown before. He needed to get to Grey now!

As he arrived at the Black Bulls he quickly jumped off his broom and ran down the halls.

Gauche looked around as he tried to find the room and when he turned down another hallway he saw the other Bulls standing in front of the infirmary that Henry had built for them.

" Took you long enough!" Noelle said with a sigh of relief as she watched the brown haired man approach them.

" Noelle-." Finral tried to whisper but Noelle ignored him.

" What took you so long huh? Grey's in there crying in pain right now as she's trying to bring your child into this world, and instead of being in there with her you're out doing who knows what!" Noelle shouted, and Gauche just looked at her as did the other bulls.

Noelle was freaking out, and much like Gauche she was taking her anger out on everyone else when the person she was really angry at was herself. She was probably feeling so helpless at this moment just like everyone else, they were all seeing someone they loved and cared for in pain, and they couldn't do anything to help her.

" C'mon Noelle let's get some air," Asta said as he walked towards his girlfriend. " Sorry about this Gauche." He added as he grabbed Noelle's hand and led her out of the area.

Gauche turned towards the door and went to place his hand on the door knob, but he suddenly froze.

Captain Yami turned to look at the mirror mage and saw his hand hovering above the door knob, and it was shaking. He noticed Gauche's entire body trembling.

" Hey kid, c'mere for a minute." Yami instructed, and when Gauche turned to look at him Yami's eyes widened in surprise.

His face was slightly pale, and his eyes were wide in fear. Yami recognized that look, he had almost the exact same one when Hikari was born.

Gauche followed Captain Yami a little bit aways from the door and watched him sigh a bit before turning around with a serious, yet understanding look in his eye.

" You need to pull yourself together brat, otherwise how will you be able to support Grey right now?" Yami started and Gauche rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

" But-."

" Look I get it, it's like every single thought, worry, and insecurity about being a parent suddenly hits you all at the same time. The same thing happened to me when Hikari was born and I don't think I've ever felt that much fear before. But right now you need to snap out of it, because Grey needs you. She needs you to be her strength right now and she needs you to support her and help her through this. So put all that crap going through your mind right now to the side and focus on what you need to do." Yami walked up to him and placed a hand on top of his head.

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