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Your heartbeat deafened your ears to any other sounds as you ran through the backyard of Laurie's house. Your hands pulsated from the cuts you received after climbing out a broken window. The adrenaline stopped you from feeling the pain, but you felt the ache in the open wounds. Your lungs burned from the lack of air in your lungs while you ran. You didn't care. All you wanted to do was to find help and come back for Laurie. You didn't mean to leave her, but you wanted to survive.

You didn't expect to fall into the cliché of being in the middle of a horror movie on Halloween night. In fact, you went to Laurie's house through pure chance. Your parents left to take your brother trick or treating. Feeling too old for such things, you wanted to stay home and watch movies. At first, your parents disagreed until Laurie solved your staying alone at home issue through inviting you to hang out with her. Your parents agreed without issue. They approved of Laurie and told you to do your homework.

When you met up with Laurie, you realized that she was babysitting little Tommy. There went your girl's night in. You hid your annoyance with a smile. It wasn't the kid's fault that Laurie didn't tell you that she was looking after him. Laurie babysit multiple kids so you should have known better.

At least, Laurie offered to give you some cash, but you denied it. Technically, you were there to hang out, not look after a kid. Besides, Tommy was a good kid. He didn't badger you with questions since he was busy watching the movies playing on the tv.

Before a classic horror film started, you left to go to the bathroom. Laurie yelled she was making popcorn and grabbing a few glasses of coke. You couldn't wait.

Once you finished using the restroom, you washed your hands and dried them off with one of the decorative towels. When you opened the door, you smelled the popcorn in the air. Your stomach grumbled. You hoped Laurie picked a packet with less butter. You hated having to wipe your hands on your pants to get rid of the extra grease.

Looking at the end of the hall, you blinked fast to get rid of the shadow figure. The figure didn't disappear or say anything. For a moment, you thought Tommy's father returned, but you put a pause to that thought.

Tommy's parents were going to call Laurie before relieving her of her babysitting duties. You didn't hear the phone ring.

Someone broke into the house. You encountered him when you walked out the bathroom and saw him at the end of the hall.

You tip toed to the other end of the hall where the stairs were locates but a squeak from one of the floorboards brought his attention onto you. Freaking out, you ran down to Laurie, babbling about the intruder.

She told Tommy to go to a neighbor's house before he got entangled into this mess. When you tried opening the front door, you found out it was stuck. It didn't open.

You and Laurie tried pushing up windows until one of them opened. It didn't open all the way, but it was big enough for a child to crawl out of. Tommy was out the window when the killer made it down the stairs.

He charged at the both of you without a pause in sight. You managed to dodge his knife before you bolted through the house. Laurie grabbed your hand as you two tried hiding throughout the house. Somehow, the killer found you two or chased you out of hiding. Nothing worked to deter the guy. Any locked door was broken, barricaded doors slammed open, any attempts to keep the guy away from you was useless.

It was almost as if he was a superhuman.

At some point, both of you separated into different directions to push the chances of survival. Whoever this killer was, wouldn't be able to catch both of them at the same time.

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