what you are

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This part is completely optional I just did it for fun

Wednesday: you're like that one guy from princess in the frog yk like you can do like voodoo and stuff

Enid: you're a vampire idk I just feel like you'd be a vampire but like you'd be a fledgling and would refuse to drink blood bc that's fucking nasty so you never really transform into an actual vampire like Sarah from my baby sitters a vampire before she as to help ethan

Ajax: you're a super hot witch, dark or white magic? It depends on your mood usually white but if youre angry everybody better stay out of your way unless they wanna get hexed

Bianca: siren I feel like you'd have gone really similar and already friends in order to get close with her

Yoko: you're a siren, she's very trusting and she would never think for one second you'd manipulate her the rest of the school, not so much, but that's why you guys are the perfect match

Tyler: you're a seer you get like visions and stuff so you figured out pretty early on that he was the monster and tried to help him with it

Rowan: you are a witch idk what else to say I just feel like you'd be a witch

Kent: you can blink in and out of different places, you can like teleport

Divina: you are an elf idk man I'm running out of ideas

Eugene: you are like a keeper of plants I think I just made that up youre basically like Fiona from miss peregrines home for peculiar children like you can control plants

So that was a total mess but we stan anyways I gotta get to school so yeah bye

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