You Weren't There || Nancy Wheeler Sequel

Start from the beginning

Nancy first noticed it in the first 15 minutes of alone time with Robin. The ride to the library was not one spent in easy silence. Between the rapid flipping through the radio stations, the flipping of the sun visor up and then down and then up, the tongue-in-cheek humor, and-oh, hell-now the feet on the dashboard. Here, she thought it was just you.

You weren't there when Robin and your brother followed her into her room in her search for a disguise. Had you been, she was certain with the two of you there, Steve would have been worn down twice as fast.

"You have a Tom Cruise poster," she had chortled, coming to a full stop having barreled into her room. Then came a shit-eating grin she had seen in you once or twice. "You have a Tom Cruise poster,"

You weren't there, and yet she heard your relentless teasing as if you were glued to her side. 'I see Tom Cruise is still here.' At the time, your arms had wound a gentle but almost possessive hold around her torso that she had a hard time admitting she enjoyed. Your smirk had been audible despite it being buried in the back of her shoulder. 'I certainly hope this means I don't have any competition.'

At the recollection, Nancy's face had ducked down to the floor in an involuntary effort to hide the heat in her cheeks, though not for the reason Robin likely suspected. Mercifully, the topic had changed and their evolving plan recaptured everyone's attention.

You weren't there for the trek through the woods to Skull Rock, wherein Nancy finally made your wish a reality; Robin Buckley was her friend. She was surprised at how easy it was to accept. Nearly as surprising as her almost admitting the nature of your relationship. Sure, maybe Robin knew you were into girls, but she didn't know Nancy was. And Nancy had no knowledge Robin was either. They were completely oblivious. And it remained just so when Steve had called out in victory upon arrival to (the correct location of) Skull Rock, unknowingly cutting off Nancy's confession.

And once more, Nancy would thank her lucky stars you hadn't been there when they found themselves in the middle of Lovers Lake. Dustin's theory had brought them here, the four of them squashed into a tiny little rowboat in search of Watergate; herself, Robin, Eddie Munson, and Steve. Your brother. There was an aching ball of fear lodged in her ribcage as he prepared for the dive. (There was also a strange feeling of being watched).

"Steve," she had said, somewhat shocked at how small her voice came out. "Be careful."

A look was shared between them, one filled with meaning. Sure, they had a history, but those feelings had long since burned away, leaving behind nothing but mutual love and respect. Though maybe not in the way it once had been. Simply put, this was her friend, and she was his. And both of them knew what he was about to do was not in the least bit safe. Nancy couldn't lose Steve any more than she could lose you.

His solemn nod told her he knew. And that he would. For her, and you. And with that, and an impressive form, Steve had dove into the unknown.

The wait for his return had been hard. But thanks to Robin, not completely unbearable. Her faith in Steve was well placed, but the unknown that waited for him in that damn lake is what had left Nancy so uneasy.

"You know," said Robin, hands glued to the rim of the boat and peering down into the black water. Nancy knew just enough about Robin to recognize about two or three of her nervous ticks had come out as she said this, but couldn't quite pinpoint what they were. "The average adult can hold their breath for three to five minutes. A-and Steve has experience. So probably longer. He'll be alright,"

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